Monday, September 28, 2009 Y 10:18 PM today's date is 28th september 2009~ a day to be remembered.. our last night here at this house... staying since pri one till now..=( the place where i grew up... pri sch,sec sch,jc,uni.. pri sch:jux down the road,the days walking home;the field beside sch with all the mimosa we always liked to play is now replaced with a condo;the little tree which i could reach then is now so tall,from first day of orientation to PSLE results day,playing at my house playground and got scolded,fren pressing all the levels in the lift and got scolded by neighbour,till now still feel paiseh when i see tt neighbour,hahax.all the pri sch memories i shall rmb~ sec sch:bus ride back evday to interchange,the same long walk into the condo.oops,sec sch memories abit blurred. jc:BEST,jux opp my house!waking up at 7.02 evday n slowly walking over at 7.30 is so great!reaching home early aft sch too!can go home during long breaks!some xbox,mj sessions also.many class gatherings,xmas/bday celebrations~sooooo many things!!!!now,it'll all jux be wonderful memories! missing every part of the house already!now the study room is sooo empty,there's like echo. study room:spent soooo much time here.from the v v v v first old old big digitek com, to dell com,then the new hp com many changes over time!all the things that happened using the com,using the ph in the room.still rmb the studying till late in the night,till morn and going straight for alvls.and yes,i missing the big black chair which i guess my dad will throw away tml.=( and my mother getting addicted now and then on computer games,viwawa, etc,and playing till late night too!hahax., how i wish i can go thru it once more.but it's impossible already,so now jux wan to rmb all the memories,as much as i can. =( bedroom:should say i spend the most time in there since i slp alot!esp during wkends,slping till late noon!hahax.missing my comfy bed with all the pillows,bolster,soft toys!my wardrobe~my toilet~everything!!!!! movie room:the place where all my frens have to squeeze in,during stayovers,xbox/mj sessions.where we had sooooo much laughter and joy and sooooo many fun stayovers,i can hardly rmb all,but all GREAT memories!long long ago,where we always watched movies inside,i esp rmb lion king!hahax,shd have watched it when i was in pri sch.and also the mummy,and some kiddy songs karaoke,using those big big,all sooo ancient liao. mum's room:the big big bed in the big big room,where i'll always lie and watch tv at night,so many shows watched!and the red massage chair beside.used to slp beside mum when i was in pri sch till lower sec ba.hahax.oh yes,and the tv console with the pull out table,where i used to have my spelling w mum.and the cheating experience.hahax. all other corners,eating area,living room...allshall be missed!!!!!!!each and every corner is filled with our memories!and i suddenly rmb the first time we came and see the house,i played hide and seek and hide in the tv console cupboard in the living room.hahahax.shows how tiny i was then.also,will rmb the back gate area,walking thru the alley,and the sitting and toking at the benches there.and everytime when i come home late,will not fail to look up at the dark sky,to look out for all those shiny stars!the sky view from the pond area is really nice,the condos surrounding like in a well,looking up into the big vast sky!i will miss that very much!!and yes,will miss my neighbours too.happens that all the family on our level have children,and all except 2 families have stayed here as long as,we've all seen everybody grow up,from the mothers pregnant till now,all the kids all schooling already.haix haix haix. and after such a long wait for the circle line to be done,aft jux a few mths later,i'm moving .sianx.=( soooooo bu she de to move.. soooooo many things happened here.. soooooo many memories,i hope i dun forget.. and may new memories be created in the new house. which we have to wait for approx the meanwhile,hope the stay in the rented house will be nice too.all the work looking for houses online the past few mths, and the late nights,like 3+AM,where crazy dad and i went out to look at houses,have paid off and the day is here.or rather the REAL day is 20mths later.time will fly! no matter what happens,always SMILE. =) For, a smile is a curve that sets everything straight! =)=)=) ![]() good things are short lived,but they will last forever,in our hearts.
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that ahpoh. 12th january ;) mickey XD tbb&tbwfttm..fiy. ongoing ESCAPADES ~auntie vicky~ ~lover~ ~xiaohan~ ~zay~ ~yappie~ ~wanlin~ looking back. March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 December 2006 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 April 2009 September 2009 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 March 2014 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket designer: /♥s}summerkisses} |