Saturday, August 30, 2008 Y 10:12 PM aft fri's failed attempt to surprise ahma,we thought we gt another chance when mich ask us to go for the celeb on sun for thong,ahma n vic.this time round,rly tot gt high chances ah!so we were so excited again,planning what to do etc..met auntie vic first cux she wanted to shop for her shoes,then shopped for thong's present..then we were taking our own time choosing the necklace until we totally forgot to look at the time!thought we were late,so faster chiong there n get rdy so we wun meet ahma! we din wait at the mrt.instead we went to raffles city straight.wanted to fake tt we were going to the same restaurant as ahma they we haven even had the chance to do so and our plan failed so terribly again! dumb dumb.quee lar..called to ask where were we..then she asked us stand there dun move, wait for her.then i asked her call to check where was ahma.then we dumbdumb stand there drinking our chrysanthemum tea.cux auntie vic fren gave her one whole pack of 6 chrysanthemum tea since she like it so much!copy our idea last yr!so both of us trying to clear at first walked around abit to find quee,bt aft awhile scared i'll meet ahma,so went back to our place.then jux came back only,then i saw the look on auntie vic's face!then i turned, AND it was ahma!!!!cant believe it lar!our plan failed jux like tt!!why we have so much fate w dearest ahma!raffles city so big so many toilets,she dun wan go the rest mux come down basement n SEE US!!really dumb dumb lar.then we still act like oh,we were shopping here,as if smart ahma wud when ahma came back she still say byebye to us!we were so shocked and sad lar.and auntie vic's hope of getting the golden horse award failed again!try harder,nx yr ba~~u noe,my birthday coming!!hahahahx.and turn out,quee forgot bout us lor..she saw zay they all n walked w them..then leave us there to see ahma!OMG.this is so unbelievable! ahma!i know u love sotongs lots lots,cux only we give u surprises,bt then can u try to act less smart nx time,and dun keep seeing we can give u a proper surprise lar!hahhaax. dinner at shokudo bazaar~and yet another cake~ shing glutton big big burger~~ ![]() our food~~ bday gals~and some fake bday boy. shokudo thurs gp paper was horrible.the essay qns were weird n tough.and i chose some qns which until now i still dun rly noe wad the qns asking for.great huh.hahahax.hopefully i din write rubbish ah.the compre was even more horrible!the passage was boring,bout wad soft power,hard power.quite dumb ah.then for summary gt so few things to write n i finished so quickly,maybe becux i jux anyhow paraphrased.n the qns was~~dunno wad to say.oh man,praying hard!cannot afford to fail! luckily had sotong dinner at night.and went out straight aft i went home to change.if nt i think i going to emo at home.went IT fair w shing.first day only and there was soooo many ppl!and i guess it was a wrong choice to bring auntie vic's txbt along!so heavy and i carried it for almost whole day!the result:my arms were aching the next day lar,totally no strength,like i did alot pull ups!felt sooo noob when the ppl were introducing the lappie.totally noe nth.hahaax. and shing was pro.she collected so many brochures for xh n vic.when someone gave her one,she'll ask for two more!n when she walked pass the many distributors,they din give her,she went back again!!hahahax.oh,and this time we finally din meet ahma!! sotong meeting then realise ahma was at the fair too!and we werent so lucky this time round,cux we din see ahma!finally.hahahax.=p so finally,the long awaited sotong dinner at bugis.this time round,cux so many ppl bday.the presents all so messy.din get this n last min!so when everybody was here le.we still haven gt xh n shing small present,cux their big present was the photoshoot at the end of the tot we shd get sth small for we vic,ahma n i had to say we wan go toilet n ask them go ahead to the steamboat shop first.then we rushed to get their star n one heart earrings each frm perlini! then went over to the shop.and i almost fainted when i saw the first din noe its the back of the shop.then the behind was so small like 3,4 tables only?i thought the shop was tt small only,and it looked super pok gai!scare me for awhile.the shop is much bigger lar,and it was full at least the food was ok?shing finally get to eat her mala huo guo~we sat at table like two tables joined gt two stemaboats.then sy n shing was sitting together at one tt side w them,their food was cleared soooo fast!while we were so slow,partly becux of the wind ba.nevertheless,great dinner,great time.happy family~~ ![]() our messy tables.all the food down in our tummy.=p ![]() ![]() dunno what shing doing.hahax. ![]() wiping vic's bag w her shirt?hahax. the bday gals~~or maybe one ah boy!=p like cutting wedding cake! ![]() these two pics v re mi fa so. ![]() look at the 5bday girls' diff actions.hahhax. breast fren acting cute,and i cant see ur eyes!=p ![]() and i forgot this!shd be for previous post!guess who put her ic in the plastic.hahax. ![]() poor us had to eat the nua nua cake w our hands.look at sy. ![]() ahma's newspaper wrapped present!and jul doing wad?hand sign?hahax. ![]() poor jul becomes fake ru hua? then aft dinner,since ahma's present was not done yet..we decided to get her lots of hello cold storage closed we had to go opp to the they din hv it.and since ahma was there,some was trying to kp ahma frm going over.then auntie vic still say its so hard inside,ask ahma go out!,we went down the street searching.then saw another 7-eleven faster chiong,since it was quite late le.luckily,this one had hello panda.nt only 10 packets we added on 2bottles of 1litre lemon tea and bao jian wan!!hahahx.wad an experience lar,like playing some amazing race so late at night!in search for hello panda~hahahx.then sy wasnt v happy cux v late le then nx day she still gt her face super black,then everybody so scared! luckily,aft quite long,she toked on the mrt..happy family lar!=p oh,n poor ahma got pulled onto the train w vic n shing to tampines!then she had to tk bus back to yishun!when she jux board the bus,i already reach home!hahax.and xinfu wh's adam stil msged xy to ask xy to take care of her,since it was late le~~so xingfu lar~~bt since xy was on the other train,she forward the msg to hy!hahahx. ![]() 10 hello pandas~~ahma last min presents~plus,2 bottles of 1litre seasons lemon tea,and bao jian wan!(in case her tummy gets upset aft so many hello panda)=p hahahax. ![]() ahma's present bag stuffed with all the hello pandas n lemon tea!she's rdy for ns!'s so heavy tt she almost fell backwards twice!hahahx. ![]() aft IT fair,sat outside n saw the reflection at the lift door and turn to realise this nice view! dumbdumb me drank coffee ytd night.tot it always no effect ytd,no eyes remained big big till almost morn lar!bt still,i woke up to go back ny to study w shing.n shing was late cux she slept late!so,now my eyes are like half closed!hahahx.=p anw,its the one wk hols le,n aft tt its prelims,so no more posting i guess,unless i emo again.hahax.=) ![]() shing unglam! ![]() her hair! Friday, August 29, 2008 Y 3:54 PM the months of july,aug and sept are baby boom months!!hahahx.aft some thinking,we thought some of the possible reasons are,ppl get good year end bonus,year end festive seasons!hahahx.and so,for the mth or july n aug,i've eaten countless cakes!!first,my sis,grandma bday n cousin bday in july..then aug is the horror,we had two cakes in one wk!oh no,3!nat day hols had dimsum n celeb uncle's bday,then end of wk went paris int buffet to celeb mum's bday in advance.yet another cake,worst still cut near midnight,how fattening is tt!then the nx day,aunt send another cake for mum,since my mum n dad hv the same bday!how cool is tt..3 cakes in a week!i cant belive it! sat morn went for maths mock.which was dumb.cux we din hv to hand up and we were supposed to go home n self mark.then aft 3 hrs.the teacher came to ask us stop dumb strict for wad when we can go home n write all we want diff.nt like its going to be graded or wad.then went to amkhub for lunch.finally gt to eat ahmei cafe nasi bryani.and while waiting,dumb dumb tammy ahma,thought of a new sentence to replace the bio sentence 'Dear King Phillip Cried Over Finished Garlic Soup' which represented domain,kingdom,phylum,class,order,family,genus and species.the new sentence was 'Does Kaiting(tombolo noob,F3)Poo Carelessly On Fungus Growing Sarah!'dumb dumb lar.then we all msged together to kaiting noob!so funny lar.hahahx. ![]() our pratas n nasi bryani.yummy yummy. ![]() sihui's food looks abit disgusting.hahahx. ![]() sch vending maching isso fun lar!we tried to make the tibits fall down by orderng the cup noodles,end up it gt stucked there too!so we tried another cup noodles,luckily it fall off this time round.hahahx. paris international buffet~~ ![]() the super nice nice desserts~ ![]() jelly jelly~ ![]() yumyum. ![]() satay. ![]() chilli crab,scallop. ![]() our long long table,bt where's everyone.hahahx. ![]() she's shy. ![]() trying so hard. ![]() fishy fishy. ![]() aft dinner workout..? ![]() bro. ![]() ![]() cousin w little six pac!unbelievable huh. ![]() then the following wk,vic bday and ah ma bday!luckily only had a mini celebration on fri w one small slice of cake for ahma only..then sun celeb vic,xy,thong bday.another cake!omg.luckily i only had 1 bite.hahahx.and then,ytd!5 sotongs(vic,ahma,xh,shing and wh!) bday celebration,belated and in advance,since there were far too many to celeb so celeb all at one go!if nt i think i going to faint at the sight of cakes.hahahax. last fri met vic,ahma,sy n shing at chompchomp for dinner.cux it was ahma's wanted to hv a mini celeb before sotongs bday celeb.then tot we could give ahma some our plan failed so terribly!vic n i still reach there early,to PLAN n discuss..then the plan was..we went to chomp n we got one table le..then vic went to meet ahma.supposedly shd be vic n ahma meet for dinner only ah..i also nv say i going.then smart ahma assumed i was coming she was expecting me,so no surprise i din noe ah..was sitting at the table myself,while ahma n vic went to look for seats,for their private n shing last min then say coming we thought there's more was waiting for them to come then go over to ahma table n give her surprise!even asked shing n sy to walk the back alley so wun meet ahma,bt they were spotted by ahma when they ran across the road!!so dumb everything was gone le ah,bt we din noe.until sy went over to give ahma e surprise,then ahma came over n told us everything.before tt blur shing msged ahma ask her whether gt prog,then somehow she leaked some hints ahma was totally nt surprised by our surprise!and all our hard efforts went down the drain.hahahx. bt nevertheless,we still had a great dinner filled w laughter n also nice food.think the whole back area there was filled by the laughter of 5of us lar!so crazy.sotongs rocks lar.=p aft dinner we still went for haato icecream.bananachoc is super nice!then vic n i went to third floor toilet,then when we come out the security guard was waiting.luckily he wasn't blur n lock us up lar.hahax.oh,and we saw auntie vic's meipo who was so funny n entertaining!hahax. ![]() sy trying to carry all the cups by stuffing her hand thru the handle!her hand is skinny,omg lar. ahma suggested this pics caption can be,'the best worker at chompchomp?'hahahx. ![]() look at her drink! ![]() the bday gal.oh no,its bday old ahma or old ahpek or old hellopanda? cux its her 91th bday!=p then sat early morn had to go back for econs mock!and it was raining so heavily some more!BUT,my mum fetched me over! its becux my bro need to go sch also,so is conveniently..hahahx.=p end up,at the end of it,they gave us ans n it will nt be marked.dumb dumb. then stayed in sch to study.and ahma wanted to study in ny usual she woke up late again.oh,ahma say she look like ah beng with the choker,then she on the bus,nobody wanted to sit with her!so funny lar.ahma,u think too much.hahahx.nt the choker fault,is u ben lai jiu look dao,black face,tts y ppl scared of u.oh,and ppl may be scared to sit nx to a hello panda!hahahx.ahma wanted to do work on the com bt end up my lappie cant detect her portable modem!so,the whole day she was playing games!while i had to do my work.dumb dumb.and look how comfortable n shuang she is! ![]() Y 12:29 AM just when i thought this time round,i'm going in the exam hall without any~~,unlike last time,and tt i'm going to fight the battle came at 12.30 midnight! i was left dumbfounded.lost for thoughts were in a mess.totally din noe hw to handle it.hw to handle this cold n stopped heart.three msg,three smiley faces,thought it would appear in all the msg if i din asked for it to be stopped.each one jux seemed like a facade,so fake,nt a true smiley face.hw i wish each msg make me more angry,make me hate hate tt things can end more easily.yet,no matter hw hard i try,things jux dun turn out the way i wan it to be.and each time we try to sort it out,we fail each time,it's always left hanging in the end,waiting for it to be solved miraculously,somehow.and the fact is,miracles don't happen,in the dreams,maybe. so,how am i supposed to get out of this when someone totally has no clue of what's happening.hw direct should i be,what should i this going to be left unsolved till the end of the world??i dunno.i only noe hw hw hw pain n torturing it is to be in this situation. Monday, August 11, 2008 Y 5:18 PM post national day special!hahax. last sat went back ny for study session w auntie vic!which turned out nt v productive!cux we studied halfway then end up mum came to fetch us go some nike at least i did some work!=p more study sessions to come w other sotongs in ny!=p ahma u shd find sth to study n nt do some dumb research on friendster!!if nt dun let u join us..hahahx.everybody was studying hard tt day then u were enjoying there,wtaching music vidoes,read newspaper,enjoy my taitai life!hahahx. ![]() spot the anomaly out of the 9sotongs!see the only short hair one??hahahax.=p drawn by:auntie vic! ![]() to-do-list! ![]() ![]() taken frm my house! ![]() on national day,went down to marina early noon to study at food court and the main aim was to catch the fireworks n planes!yays.=p ![]() patriotic sporeans,waiting in the rain w umbrellas.n we din hv umbrella! breast frens~ ahma spastic smile! ![]() ahma's squarish head??hahahx. ![]() stupid coconut tree! still the display was awesome! ![]() pinkish sky. ![]() look at the crowd! aft everything ended,we were like stucked in the crowd all the way frm marina sq to citylink lar.then at the exit out of marina sq,it was rly rly packed!everyone was pushing n squeezing to get out of the door,then auntie vic started laughing!cux it was rly funny,felt like sardines lar!squashed sardines maybe!hahahx.and auntie vic n ahma swear they dun wan come watch anymore fireworks!we watched 3 fireworks display together!all at marina sq,1st was during j1 national day fireworks festival?then last yr countown and this yr national day!time rly flies ah..2yrs++ le..n this yr they say no more fireworks for countdown,bt my house instead!hahahx. then we walked all the way frm raffles to bugis!my legs was like going to break anytime lar,so when we sat down at the food court,din feel like standing up anymore!hahax.then auntie vic was so hungry,she walked so fast infront of me in search of her dinner,like some hungry dog.hahahax.oh,n i changed to wear ahma's explains the pic below!hahahx. ![]() ahma's at home,nt at food court!her shoes are missing.hahahx. ![]() again.=p left bugis at 10+ n i ended up reaching home at 12+..omg lar.dumb dumb 133..i missed two 133 becux the bus was so fully packed.the one i gt on was sooo packed also lar..had to squeeze again.if nt i'll end up having to spend the night at bugis.hahax.and as soon as i gt off 133 i saw my dearest 105,at the opp bus stop,i missed it again!!wth lor.always like tt de.luckily tt was nt the last bus lar,if nt i wud hv taken taxi home frm srg!hahahax.=p saving the best for the last!fireworks pics!though this time round nt as nice as countdown's..credits to auntie vic!hahahx. looks like a blue heart! this is special,think it looks like reflection on a river. colourful. jux met ahma to PEI her have dinner,so nice of me lar.i even ran to catch the bus,cux i was nice of me then she still kp calling me HP,when i dun look like one.she look like one more.hahahx.evidence below! so,say hello to the hello panda,HP(C-chocolate flavour).hahahx.=p so cute ah. ![]() and i cant help to keep wanting to laugh at her nike ah pek shoes,nt v ah pek ah,bt jux look funny n weird.hahahx. 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