Thursday, June 19, 2008 Y 8:01 PM emo emo emo pls go away.=( tioman trip was supposed to be a happy for many many reasons,throughout the trip i kept emo-ing.aft awhile,its gone,then its back again!i really dunno why.dun wan to feel tt way i jux cant control it.really dunno what was i thinking then.i rly dun wan what i was thinking to be true.maybe i'm jux thinking too till now,there's still nth,empty.i really can the emo feeling jux go away for now,at least till aft mye??if not,i think i'm going to get depression or break down soon. really v scared now n trying hard to study all i all the emo-ness,sunburnt pain n itchy 40++sandfly bites n all the stupid thoughts jux make things worst.haix.i keep telling myself i'm strong,cannot give up!bt it doesnt seem to help much!guess this mye sure end up very bad.BUT aft tt,definitely mux pick myself up and go go go forward to the ending pt already! Sunday, June 08, 2008 Y 8:22 PM 2weeks of the june hols is jux gone in the blink of the eye!spend few days in sch studying for the sec i'm revising too slowly.spend one whole day doing less than 10 ionic eqm qns!n i still dun rly hard!oh man.haven even completed chem when i'm supposed to do so in one felt so guai when i went back to sch at 8 tt day to study!till 5+??hahahx.nx wk mux pia bio already lar!mux hang in there!! cux fri to mon is tioman trip!i feel so guilty and excited!hahax.din wan at first since it was so close to its too tempting le!think if i nv's so sad to study at home and think bout them enjoying there..sure cant study properly also might as well jux go.comforting myself to think tt the FEW days wun mk tt much a diff??hahax.=p so exciting!!cant wait!!!though wan it to come quickly,at the same time dun really wan it to come so quickly..cux if it were to come quickly,it means its going to end soon,and hols will be over soon, and mye is here SOON!!oh man.haix.nvm.dun care le.dun think so much for now.jux study all i can for now.=) and i'm using my own money lar,dun wan use dad money.rly spending alot le.oh man.mux save save day was so scared to ask mum bout whether can go stressed until i kp dreaming bout diff situations n ways of me asking her.and each time it was successful.n since they say reality are opp of dreams.i was so scared end up still open my mouth n ask!and she said ask dad.n dad yays.=p my whole wkend was like gone lar.fri met up w kengs n mans for dinner at chomp.super nice food.we so glutton lar.finish our food le still wanted more and still wanted then gt ppl waiting for us,felt we went to nearby haato ice cream shop to sit there n eat icecream!enjoying taitai life!chat so long until my mouth ached.hahahx.then faster go catch the bus if nt later no bus again. today early morn wake up to go for 0632 mini class gathering,dim sum at yum was more of sotongs plus the guys gatering.hahax.early morn 8am still hv to give auntie vic n ahma morn call to wake the two piggies up!ah ma was horrible.she thought my call was her alarm n jux din care bout the call.then aft awhile she called and was like uttering rubbish.still in slping mood!then was toking n cant undstd a word she was funny lar!then she went back to slp!when i left home i msged her!she then woke up lar.meeting time was 9.45.she left home at 9.45! usual i reached early and sx also,n everyone else was late.tsk tsk.we were so noisy in the restaurant lar!then ppl were looking at us.and pro sy was eating non stop,all the dishes.hahax.and we paid 15++ for like less than 10pieces of dim sum??=( cux sy ate all our food.she still had dessert lar!oops.hahax.nx time go buffet better.oh when we went to fetch ahma,we were walking round the ulu place searching for a cake shop.almost went over to chinatown then a cake shop suddenly appear infront of us!hahahx.bought cakes to have a small v advance bday celeb for sy n a v v belated bday for jb.hahax.think sy would wan us to hv a better celeb for her.hahahx. then went to the long awaited settlers cafe to was happily arranging all the stuff for game of life..then we only played like less than 5mins.then we changed boring.hahax.played some hammer game.mux hear the sound from a small thing.then use the 'hammer' to try to stick the card with the pic tt matches with the,ah ma was violently hitting the thing lar..until sy hammer thing came out.hahax.super noisy again lar.then changed game to taboo.exciting game also!!hahax.and ah ma is bian tai!keep thinking of breast,naked,nude watever.tsk tsk.mux be watch too much m18 shows.tsk tsk.then wh n ahma was toking bout sex and the city movie,make auntie vic so interested tt she wanted to go watch dearest auntie vic too innocent until dunno wads bj,and wan to watch m18 shows to increase her general knowledge!!omg.hahahx. today one whole day is like so glutton-ish!hahahax.ate dim sum,then settlers float,then aft pei xhn shing lunch..we bought british take away.yummy.then frm central went to liang court cux ah ma wanted to eat mac!then had fries n mcflurry.hahahx.then walked back again!tsk.and we all escort ahma back to her work place,shantouka!the chi words of the restaurant like da tou shan,when its supposed to be da tou huo??hahahax.almost one day is over jux like tt.then went to clinic to get the medicine.its so ex!omg.34 for 20 pills,and a few words with the doc! better be effective!if nt i'm going to kill the doc for wasting my money.hahax. 0632loves! tsktsk. auntie vic successfully ate the thing with alot veg!hahax. dimsum loves. auntie vic they all were so amazed by the button le can tk order,add water,bill,etc.hahax. auntie vic took soooo many pics of everything!end up she post one pic on her blog only! ![]() sy n jb small cake.hahax. ahma endorser of the game slammer.hahax. 'introducing to u the game of slammer.'=p see how exciting the game taboo can get.hahax. loads of fun! grpgrp.i'm pro enough to crop the unglam part away.n auntie vic had to do sth dumb to the pic!OMG. ![]() spot the diff btw this pic n the pic above!OMG!auntie vic,u bian tai!i almost laugh my head off,n u make me almost spit out all my food when i saw the pic on ur blog jux now!!haiyo!!!!! the scandalous couple.ahma n sy.ah ma wear till so 'guy-ish'!=p ![]() auntie vic's bf!hahahax.ahma's transition lens so popular,everyone wans to try.hahax. ahma's se se transition lens!!hahax. ![]() the shy couple.dun wan take pic together,mux hv vic then wan.and i agree with auntie vic,dear wh is so xing fu and happy now,n wh dun wry,u'll hv all sotongs approval,ur adam is a gd bf!the one for u.wish u all xing fu all the way.dun wry so much bout it being too perfect n sweet.u all will bai tou da lao!hahax.=p such a great and fun day!!0632 is such a great class and loves sotongs million million times!!nv ever regret coming to NY,and getting to know 0632!!(auntie vic,copy wad u say in ur post again.hahax.cant help it,cux i really think so too!=p)had a great time laughing,and forgettiing all the troubles n stress for a for now it is back to reality,STUDY!!till fri,where i can then enjoy n have fun!! tioman~~5more days!=p Newer› ‹Older |
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