Saturday, February 23, 2008 Y 11:08 PM my 8days hols was over in the blink of the eye lar.din feel like going but now end up feeling to stay there or wan go on more hols.dun nd study and lead a simple n easy i guess it's unrealistic n impossible.cant wait for aft alvls,this end of yr mux go hols with frens!!=p the hols started badly lar..had to wake up at 5am cux we had to reach airport at 6+..then the checking in was so inefficient lar..we queued at 6.20 then finish checking in only like 7.50 lar..and the flight was 8.10!!boarding gate closes ten mins before flight!so omg lar..then our gate was supposed to be we were in rushing n we din double check the we went all the way to A15 which was super super super far in..when we got there..then we noe the gate changed to B2!!then we had to walk all the way back..cux B gate was like at the other side..*faints* so we were like rushing there and my father was like running le stupid lor..then when we jux got to the gate,it JUX closed!!!and the person called to ask the pilot whether can open n let us in..AND the stupid pilot said no!!!wth lar..the gate jux closed only leh!then they had time to unload our luggage and not let us in???so stupid lar!then we were at the counter checking if got other flights and check again if can allow us get in or wad the stupid person like taking his own sweet time lar!!then i was starring angrily at them lar!!so super irritating can..then he was still say T3 dun hv any last call for boarding whatsoever..then say we can complain to the airline stupid can..but the time when we were waiting for out transfer flight..there were so many last boarding calls!!and even had calls calling for passengers can???ours din have anything..!!and its the same airline company!!first time something like this happen leh..some more it's at T3!supposed to have better services isnt' it??wad a bad start to hols lar.. and when we jux missed our flight..we stormed out to the of my boots sole came sad fav camper in frankfurt if i nv rmb wrongly..and it has been with me to all the countries i've went for the past few years..hahax.but then,looking on the bright side..i got myself a new nike shoes..hahahax.=p then ended up we hv to take transfer flight to hk then to guangzhou..cux the nx flight to guangzhou was the nx on nian chu xi,we practically spent our whole day in airports of spore,hk and guangzhou..hahaxx..we got on the 1+ flight to hk..then reached there around late evening..then it seems tt only one of our luggage got unloaded frm the plane we missed..the others went straight to guangzhou..and then hk couldn't find our luggage..spend a long time checking here n there before finding it when we reached guangzhou n saw the one luggage, i was so relieved!hahahx.cux tt luggage is me n my bro share de..if really lost..then wad am i supposed to wear for the nx 7 days?hahhax.thk when we reached guangzhou it was like near 10 le..if we nv miss the flight,would hv reached there at late noon we missed out a few attractions..oh..forgot to say the tour guide!she's also responsible lar..nv like wait for everyone board the plane before boarding herself..n on the plane also nv see whether everyone was there..she only noe we didn't get on the plane aft they landed because everyone was there le n they were all waiting for us bt we nv appear..hahax..and the tour agency called her to tell her we're waiting what the agency n airline company will do...super angry lar..first time leh in so many yrs..and its not our prob lor..not like we were late or wad..we queued for checking in so early n ended up missing our flight..the system is bad lar..its like diff flights could queue at the few everything is like all messed up..they shd hv like for one flight got specific lanes or wad lar..if not if the people earlier in the queue are all on much later flights than us..then we'll miss the flight because checking in took so long!!i rmb last yr aft checking in we still had time to eat breakfast at mac lar..n still took pics..this yr we were like almost running straight aft checking in lar!so dumb..hahahahhax..i nagged so much bout missing the flight..hahahx.. then,at guangzhou they brought us to a restaurant to have some dim sum for proper nian chu xi dinner as instructed by the agency manager..hahahx.we deserve it.since it ws nian chu xi,there were many ppl on the streets..n holding on the windmills..n the wind made all the diff types of windmills turn n turn beautifully..they believe tt by holding on to these spinning'll spin away all the bad luck and bring good luck in the new fun time shall try it too..and the windmills were so bee,cartoon,flowers shapes of diff sizes cool..then in hotel rm gt countdown,nian chu yi arrived like ttt..hahhax..still rmb last yr we were in lijiang playing fireworks then counting down...then it snow ABIT for like 1 min..hahahx. the places we went this yr din snow sianx it was cold n the days were gloomy like going to we din see the sun for 7 days..hahax.wore so many layers until like fat pig like tt..hahahx.this tour's attractions weren't many n nt v nice some places..the scenery was super super beautiful..even though it was like gloomy weather..the scenery still turned out nice..and there's this place with all the mountains n was like fake a painting..hahhax.n its the scenery on the china note and it looked exactly the same.nice!this time round,we took alot flights cux of the transfer and the ah..can take plane so mnay times..then we also had diff types of boat rides to see the scenery..hahhax..and last bt nt the least..long hours of bus rides here n there... on the sun,we spent like whole day on bus..n visited only on super nice waterfall..we tk 4hrs there to see n then 4hrs back to the one day was gone like the magnificent waterfall was worth the ride lar..then the rest of the days was bout the same lar..going to places with nice scenery,looking at mountains,rivers, lakes..hahahx.oh..n the nice limestone cave!n i also had my first foot massage there!cux we went to some medical they provided everyone with foot massaging..its nt those super pain type..jux normal..din rly like it though..hahhax..oh..then got one boat tour 两江四湖(2lakes n 4 big big lakes??)hahahx.the lakes were somehow interconnected at some points..the height diff was too we were on the boat..and the boat was on some sort of boat's lift!to bring us up to another lake..sooo cool lar..first time~~ oh..then when we were crossing over to vietnam..the customs clearance was pathetic..we had to like carry our super heavy luggage all the way up stairs..n then literally walk frm china's custom over to vietnam custom across a bridge..then everyone was like waiting in open air as the tour guide helped us get out passports pathetic!then we could see grps of ppl carrying their luggage frm either side to the other funny that's about it for the hols..a big tour grp this time round..with alot aunties and uncles gt a cute guy to look at..hahahx.and i mux say tt all the aunty and uncle couples are all so loving lar..when going up stairs or steep slopes..they would also hold hands..or one would help the other..super loving n envious of them..wonder nx time when i'm old le..will i be like tt..hahahx. a super looooong post lots to tok bout a pic means thousand they order of the tour..hahax.=p ![]() mother n i taking pics in T3 toilet..the toilet are abit exagerrated ah.. ![]() ![]() the toilet cubicles are on the ride side there lar.. on inflight to guangzhou..the plane so small lar..on one side of the plane there's only one seat by the window.=p nian chu yi. forgot wads the name of this..some beautiful park..hahax. nice nice tulips!! glass bridge!! we're in a painting! real or fake? 2nd 'boat' ride of the day. ![]() limestone cave! ![]() super long fire crackers.(before) ![]() (after) the pro bird which dives into the water to 'catch' fish..keeps them in his mouth then the guy takes out the fishes...max 3 fishes in mouth at one go! yet another 'painting'. ![]() people crossing the border. lunch out at sea!on diff boat again! picking seafood for our lunch! super super big squid/sotong/??hahahx. part of lunch..some disgusting looking scallop?hahax. ![]() future sailors to be.=p Halong bay,vietnam. knocking onto the stones!=p wet market,Hanoi. their trishaw? ![]() hotel on the lake,last day stay. ![]() hotel's balcony. last day. Wednesday, February 06, 2008 Y 1:21 AM first month of 2008 is over already!so fast~~ cny is here soon.and in like 8hrs time i'll be on the plane le!my 8days hols!!yays. bt i'm nt tt excited bout it lar..first time i really dun feel like going for hols cux its like there's sooooo much to do until i cant breathe feel~~bt then my dad booked the tics himself then no choice also.and my cousins they all not going with us this time sianx de..haix.nvm, shall take this as a break, then aft tt..would be serious work already!=( i brought along my tm notes to study!hahax.oh oh..mux pray hard hard that i'll snow over there!!n we were saying spore's going to snow soon too!hahahx..the weather for the past few days so cold Lt, outside of lt..everywhere,everyday,throughout the's like so cold lar..there could be high precipitation chance lor!!,we were saying mux take out winter clothes n get rdy stupid lar..=p but, it spore rly'll be so fun!!!=p=p my eyes are struggling to open already!last 3 days like so stress lar..had to complete tutorials n study for tests on mon n tues lar..then each day i like slp 5hrs only..can die!!bt tml i cant slp on plane..its SQ!!long time nv take SQ le..mux make full use of the chance!!hahahx~~=p so i shall quickly end my post soon..hahax. shall learn frm auntie vic n post pics to summarize wad happened over the wonderful mth of jan..nx time then tok bout it..=p oh,here's wishisg kt a advance happy 18th birthday!!your bday falls on nian chu yi!!so cool lar~~hahhax..jiayous for everything u do ah..=p hope u'll like the presents we bought for u!hahahx. ![]() my 19th bday~~ =P ![]() best class ever,0632!! ![]() as usual.loves. ![]() ![]() 0702 ![]() nice nice unglam card!hahax.=p sotong clan's monthly meeting-Jan. shall post more next time~~my eyes cant take it le..need to wake up at 5am some more..*faints* hahhax.=p Newer› ‹Older |
that ahpoh. 12th january ;) mickey XD tbb&tbwfttm..fiy. ongoing ESCAPADES ~auntie vicky~ ~lover~ ~xiaohan~ ~zay~ ~yappie~ ~wanlin~ looking back. March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 December 2006 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 April 2009 September 2009 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 March 2014 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket designer: /♥s}summerkisses} |