Thursday, June 29, 2006 Y 11:43 PM yays!!super super happy!!almost finish all the exams le!!left one pathetic 1 hr econs pp nx tues lar..we hv like 5days to study for it? nw no mood to study first..=p think i'm going to die le lor..sure done very badly de..esp maths n chem..sure fail hope le..haix..hoepfully bio can pass..dun mind if jux long as can pass can le..if nt my promos sure die de..n flunking my mid yrs means i'm gonna hv to mug very very very very hard for promos n the rest of the tests..i seriously dun wan to retain!!!praying hard...haix..very sadx so hard n yet the pps still so hard..haix..shall nt think bout these bad stuff first..enjoy first..=p ytd had a whole whale of fun time lar!!so fun lor!!went out aft bi pp to ps to celebrate sy bday..oh yar..n we gt our class tee le..nt very very very ok lar..n the names behind gt so much prob lor..spelling errors..etc..n xing yue's name was beside jevon..n xy name was spelt it became xing yu chi it means her heart with jevon??hahax..=p oops..later she angry..dun say le.. ok..back to the celebration..think its quite troublesome to go out in big grps..cux we end up waiting here n there..stopping halfway here n walked too fast too slow..hahax..then when we were walking to the mrt the pathway there...the 3 of them..monic,jb n sq ba??was talking n taking their own sweet time to walk 12 of us lined up in 2 lines facing each other along the pathway to 'welcome' them..we even bowed la..hahax..then before they walked passed..some passer bys din dare to walk through ba..then they jux walked behind us funny lar!!hahax.. then in the mrt..we stand in like a circle lar..then at aft tt a lady came in..n end up..she was standing in the middle of the circle lar..hahax..aft waiting here n there..we finally settled at the food court!!hahax..we bought a pizza instead of cake n gt a candle in the middle somemore lar!!hahax..n also bought her a t-shirt..all last min jux buy de..n before tt..we gave her a stack of toilet roll paper..neatly rolled properly like a present..then tied up with toilet pp also..!! practical huh..then everyone was like getting toilet pp frm her to wipe stuff..n it proved to be very useful when we had to clear up the mess we made.. everyone was like so full le..then like no one wanted to eat the had to play oh-ya-bei-ya-som??hahax..before tt..had poured all the cheese n chilli flicks onto the pizza lar..abit yucky..esp the stinky..then we abit ganged up to mk sy she'll hv to eat the pizzas..hahax..then ting was like smashing the pizza onto sy when she was cream though..but lots of cheese..hahax..cont to sprinkle cheese n played around..until in the end..we created a whole lot of mess lar..hahax..oops..had to obediently clear up the mess since we were in our uni..=p then we took sy present since she forgot to tk it..n passed here n there..then they were running about with e present..n we mk sy go up n down the escalator chasing aft the ppl lar..hahax..then when we managed to bluff her tt they jux went into john little..n mk her go in..the few of us left quickly ran into the shop to hide..hahax..!!!super funny lar..poor sy..=p then aft tt walked to a new n ulu shopping centre??to catch just my luck..wasnt very nice though..n vicky fell aslp!! pro huh vic..tsk tsk..abit typical n can predict the story de..quite lame kissing..u can switch ur luck with tt person??n a previously very lucky person suddenly becum very very unlucky?!?!the seats were super nice n comfortable!!oh yar..since there were 15 of us..the tickets were joined together n so long..then at first it was folded ma..then when dan wanted to give it to the person..he 'unrolled' it??hahax..then the man was like holding the long tickets..n he had to fold back one by one again...funny lor!!n when we went in..the cinema was quite empty..then hy say she saw some guy pointing to count n see hw big our grp was..hahax..! aft e movie..we were like slacking there lar..siting on the comfortable sofas...hahax..later went back to ps..n slacked around lor..n we took neos..broke record time was 12..nw 13..!!hahax..n xy had funny faces!!!oh yar...n jb was the only guy again..!!hahax..or rather no guys..hahax..=p ![]() ![]() though had some was still a great day!!!=p looking forward to nx wk...end of exams...more going out to play...sports carnival on fri n after which we'll be having a bbq at my house...yays!!=p=p=p Tuesday, June 20, 2006 Y 10:52 PM nth much to say today..i decided to post today's date is...20/06/ its like 2006 2006...a special day??nt really.. din do much today..or rather the past few days..i'm getting quite scared already..cux this fri is GP PAPER!!1st impt GP exam in JC!!!haix..very scared lar!!kp trying to mk myself nt think bout it if nt sure cant conc n study then then moment i start studying..i would feel panicky n scared n cant conc!!panicky becux i feel tt i still hv alot parts i dun understand de..then cant conc again!!n i'm still in the playing mode..hv been playing the past few days lar..stayed at auntie house..n kept playing with my cousins..tried to study bio ytd..then ended up getting headache!!!argh!!n had a long time rembering the notes lar..haix!!! today still went to hv dimsum again n went suntec instead of johor to shop..actually wanted to go jb de..then end up my uncle dun wan go le..!!then so nv go dampen-ing de lar..go suntec shop quite boring i like spending time with my cousins,auntie,everyone....din really wan to go i noe even if i stay at home i also cant do much why nt jux ENJOY for the LAST day..n start SERIOUSLY tml!!!really cant wait for exams to be over..1 more wk!!!!it'll soon be over..!!till then....=p Saturday, June 17, 2006 Y 10:19 PM surprised!! jiu mu suddenly came our house together with my auntie n cousins they all lar.. she's been 'missing' like half a yr le..haven seen her since dec last yr..till ytd.. normally..we'll always go out together with my auntie,uncle,jiumu,grandma n cousins then dunno y nv see her for half a yr...for all the big occasions n holiday..also din see her...tot she n my uncle quarrelled or wad lor..then since it was so long le..tot it was going to end up with divorce then..she appeared again ytd.. it was really very awkward lor..when i saw her walking in..i tot i was dreaming or saw the wrong person lar..hahax..really..=p then i called her..she also dun really react..then they all went into my mother's room..then i din go in cux i tot it was very awkward..then aft awhile she left..then also nv say anything else to her le...dunno y she suddenly come ytd..haix!! at least i think tt there wun be any divorce ba.. think we should all treasure what we have..!!esp our families,relatives n friends!!we shd treasure all tt we hv so tt we wun end up regretting forever for losing sth impt... Wednesday, June 14, 2006 Y 10:34 PM haix..........feeling so streesed le!!feeling irrtated over the og outing...dun really noe hw to jux feeling irritated...maybe its becux exams are coming..n i'm too stressed bout it ba..haix!! og outing tml is cancelled..n will be changed to a bbq aft our exams..think it'll be better..cux we can like sit down n chat lor..then dun hv to go here n sianx lor..hopefully it'll be a fun one..n everyone can mk it..really looking forward to after sports carnival..n cg outings to some places..ecp??ZOO?? hahax..think our class starting to bond better le ba..really looking forward to sch reopen though its exams..jux hope exams will be over soon!!yays!!=p going to be last wk of holidays le...1 mth is going to be gone jux like fast lar..rmb last time de holidays din pass so quickly lor..nw..its like 1 wk is gone like in the blink of e eye.. haix...still nt in the mood to study yet siblings are like all playing..n i hv to study??holidays are meant to study???nvm..hv been still playing n going out's y still cant conc..jux went to wild wild wet on mon with my cousins...which was like totally boring!!there's nth much to play lor...actually wanted to go jurong east de..since the things there are like bout the same de..n its so much cheaper..end up we gt tt at like 11 n since its a mon..they only open at we went from one side of spore to the other lar!!hahax..n my mum n my aunt was like so blur tt day n kp going the wrong way..hahax.. there wasnt much to play there also..only played 2 times of ulah lah, the u-shaped thing..n some children slides(forced by my cousin)...hahax...dunno when was the last time i went on a slide le..dun understand wads so fun playing on slides lar..dunno y children like it so much..hahax..think i liked it alot also when i was nw..really cant appreciate the fun..=p rmb..when i was k1 or 2 ..was playing the slides at my sch de..then refused to go hm..then end up..was scolded by my mum..n she punished me by locking me outside the scary lar!!then i rmb i was crying n crying n stood there very long..then in the end..i was so scared..n very very urgently nd to go my mum did let me up peeing there wasnt delibrate..n i was still small then lar..=pcant rmb wad happened aft tt le..hahax..=p erm..then was lying there..slacking lor..din really wan to get in the sun..cux i was badly sun burnt...was peeling itchy also..abit disgusting n pain lor..abit regret for lying there n at least i gt quite dark..=p then..aft tt..went to pasir ris park lar..played at the think the bishan park playground more fun..hahax..=p might be going to escape this wkend..n going msia nx tues....for one day...hahax..cux my mum n aunt wan to shop there..feel quite guilty so nvm..shall go study nw!!=p Thursday, June 08, 2006 Y 10:59 PM went to sentosa again ytd!!2nd time in e wk le.. went with man,kengx n bt..jux went there to sun tan lar!!n whole body is red lar!!so pain lor!!haix..few days later sure peel like hell de lar.. aft tt..went to hv lunch n shopped around lor..nth sianx n tired..=p today man is going to uk until 18th lar..i also wan go!!haix..wan go for holiday leh..haix..2 wks of holiday are ending soon le..then nx wk mux start studying le..very scared n stressed for mid yrs le lar..mux pass my bio,maths,gp,econs!!i noe chem sure cant mk it the rest of the sub mux pass!!if nt promo sure die de lar..haix..nvm..thinking of the better will soon be over..then it'll be sports carnival..another cg outing to the ZOO?? or maybe ecp..hahax..=p oh yar..n nx wk still going to go out lar..og outing..n a small cg outing..maybe catch a movie n hv sakae..=p our pics!! ![]() taken on mrt..the reflection..=p ![]() kengx n me..still gt heart border..=p ![]() bt n me... ![]() man n me.. Tuesday, June 06, 2006 Y 10:38 PM sentosa outing is finally over..! quite disappointing first only had 9 ppl..then 10..nt even half the class sadx overall its still quite fun lar..meeting time was 10..dan n me reached at like 9.59 according to my hp lar!!so punctual!!=p then end up sit there dunno waited for hw long lar!!shd hv gone late also..then went to hv breakfast at mac.. here's a pic we took on the bus.. ![]() then when we jux reach the beach..we were already dragging ppl into the water le lar!!it was fun looking at everyone getting dragged many funny actions lar!!hahax..then end up everyone gt dragged in like jux stayed in the water to play monkey,truth or dare,slacked and etc lor..then there was this grp of gals..around our age bikinis!!kept looking over...think looking at jb lar..then jb was like also kp looking at them n other bikini gals..!tsk tsk..!!oh..then for one of the dares..jb was to go up to the lifeguards there n tok to them..n aft 30 secs..jux walk off without saying anything!so stupid lar..hahax..then he also had to lie on the sand..n hy had to lie on top of him for dunno hw long..hahax..=p here are some pics..=p jb look like some sea turtle lar..=p ![]() ![]() ![]() gt some cant really see clearly.. then aft tt went to ps..wanted to catch 6+ show..the end up no only left we 9 o'clock show..then end up only dan n me sianx lar..actually gt so many ppl wan watch de..then end up so many dun wan le..haix..ok!!the movie was very very very stupid n lame!!esp the ending!!the ending was like..'eve is the nun!'so..the main character is 'the nun'!!rubbish lar!!so lame..haix..hahax..ok lar..quite funny..first time see guys watch horror movie will cover..cover ears also..hahax..n scared until the keys gt stucked..n had to run to the back door..hahax..=p Saturday, June 03, 2006 Y 4:27 PM met up with man,bt n kengx celebrate kengx belated bday..=p went to marina to shop around awhile with man n bt..before meeting up with kengx..then slacked around at bk to tok..since bt had to go hm n cant join us for dinner at seoul garden!!then we gave kengx her bday present tt we bought..we bought her a BIKINI,a black nail polish n daisy flowers!!hahax..her first bikini!!she was saying her bday wasn't very eventful this yr..cux she had to stay overnight in sch for sports carnival n smhw her class celebrated her bday at ljs!! guess..with her first bikini n us helping her celebrate!!it would hv been the most eventful one!!=p ![]() kengx n her bikini!!hahax..=p and man,bt n me also gt our first bikini when buying kengx present..hahax..n i've bought 2 lar!!though i doubt i'll wear everything on the jux kp it as a motivation to go on diet!!hahax..=p n i like kengx bikini alot also lar!!die..!!=p then aft tt..went to hv dinner at seoul garden..went in at 7 and left at 10 lar!!hahax..we ate for 3hrs!!hahax..those who came aft us left before us lar!!the ppl mux be tinking hw can 3 gals eat so much lar!!had a hard n tiring time bbq-ing the food lar..the meat kp getting burnt so fast lar..then wasted so much food..then we were scared tt later mux pay for the wastage of food..$5 per 100g!!hahax..luckily we din get fined lar..cant blame us also lor..the food was so black..cant expect us to eat lor..=p then our table and everything was like so messy lar!!hahax.. ![]() dirty lor!!hahax..=p some of our food..taken to tempt bt!!=p ![]() kengx n me.. Thursday, June 01, 2006 Y 8:15 PM 1st wk of holidays all mk up boring de lor!!sianx..oh..forget tok bout last wk sch..hahax..erm..had the most fun pe ever..last lesson of body combat..and probably the last afternoon pe for the yr..body combat wasn't very fun lor..our class was like playing behind of the mpr..practically nt doing at all lar..hahax..then at the end of the lesson..we decided to play catching lar!!hahax..dunno when's the last time i played catching..hahax..very fun n exciting lar!!then the other class was like looking and laughing at us lar..then the instructor taught us another version of catcher start 1st..then whoever he person will hv to hold hands with him..n cont catching other ppl..throughout the game..e ppl mux remain holding hands lar..then our line gt longer n fun lor..then we liked form a line to block end up like playing london bridge..cux they all went fun very tiring lar!!then we had to leave the room cux another class starting le.. bt then..aft tt everyone still very high..still wan to play..hahax..then end up went to grand stand n play dare..the dares were so funny lar!!esp jb's one..which was to walk over to a grp of gals there n do pumpings infront of them..really looked very retarded and stupid lor!!looked as if he wanted to show off infront of the gals..saw the expressions of the gals..SO FUNNY LAR!!!!they were like staring at him lar!!hahahahax..then wl had to go down the stairs..n shout out..i'm stupid or sth lk tt..then had some others..quite fun lar..laugh until stomach pain lar!!so fun!!looking forward to more !!hahax..0632 going sentosa on mon..hopefully we can hv as much fun or even more fun!!yays..=p this wk had a little fun smashing cake at each other daughter..sq bday today..hahax..dunno when i gt a daughter nvm.. at 1st she nt coming to sch today bought cake n celebrated ytd..bought a very very very big card for sq..then they came my house to write on the card..n played xbox!! funny again lar..played halo n car racing..their cars had prob turning..then hv prob shooting exciting lor!!=p ok..back to cake smashing..almost everyone gt smashed lar..!!at 1st when sq gt smashed..everyone was like standing far away frm the table lar..then end by one gt smashed somehw..even our ct teacher also gt smashed a smashed quite a few times lar!!by sq n dunno who else..was standind behind then suddenly gt smashed right in the face lar..din see it coming at all smashed until my ear also gt..n my hair all so oily n smell of cream sq worst cream all over..hahax.. after tt went to mac n hv lunch..then was there mking sy lar..cux she's afraid of mint smell..n scared ppl touch her..then ting n td was siting beside touching sy..then she kept jumping n knocked the wall funny lar!!she was like so sensitive lor..then she dun like mint they put the packet of mint sweet on her..then she was like jumping again lar..they did all sorts of funny stuff lar..mking her jump n jump lar.. 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that ahpoh. 12th january ;) mickey XD tbb&tbwfttm..fiy. ongoing ESCAPADES ~auntie vicky~ ~lover~ ~xiaohan~ ~zay~ ~yappie~ ~wanlin~ looking back. March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 December 2006 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 April 2009 September 2009 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 March 2014 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket designer: /♥s}summerkisses} |