Monday, April 24, 2006 Y 10:16 PM dragonboat fun race over le..=p wasn't really tt fun though... went to kallang to meet with the rest..and then went to eat the roti prata there..the prata really very big lor..1st time eat 1 plain prata already very full lor..then we ordered extra all like had one whole big cup of cold drink lar..wa..really very full aft tt lar..!!then aft tt went back to lavender to meet up with everyone...then walked to the venue..which was like near indoor stadium.. then we were there slacking..cux had to wait for all the ppl to come..setting up of the things..etc lor..played the hand games lor..forever so fun and entertaining!!hahax..there were few heats lar..and 4 boats race at a expected..we came in last guy & 9gals leh!!actually quite gd le lar..we were very very close to the 2nd last boat..n tt boat gt more guys..while ours only considered quite gd le lar..hahax..=p went all the way there early in the morning..sacrificed my sun slping time..and jux rowed for like 2mins+??hahax..lame lor..then aft tt stayed awhile to watch the races..the prices were pathetic lor..its like one whole pack of tibits lar..guess everything all less than 20bucks lor.. some pics.. ![]() too bored le..nth to play the 'fingers' game..hahax..=p ![]() then..on our way back..we saw something very obscene..there was a women wearing a long dress carrying a baby lar..then her another son was standing beside her lar..then guess wad the son did..the boy lift up the women's dress lar!!very high up..n we practically saw everything!!worst still..the boy lift up like more than one time lar!!and the mother like din really stop him at the beginning..then the whole grp of us was like laughing so hard lar..hahax..think the mother mux hv felt so embarrassed lar!ke lian..then went to marina square to eat ljs..we walked past a few of the fast food restaurants then all so pathetic de almost nobody de..ljs worst lor!!no one was inside at all lar!!and it was lunch hour lian lar..then we played exothermic rxn on he know le..then wanted to mk vicky end up he still dirtied his hands..hahax.. then aft tt went to bishan..the old shop there..really miss the shop..haix..jux wanted to see if the shop still there..and its still there!!wonder when it will close down lor!!bt there were only like 2 tables occupied..too bad lor..last tt time..our shop would hv more ppl than tt lor..nt so pathetic.. today's bio prac and tutorial was another interesting one..hahax..almost half the class stand up again lar..jux becux of the sec structure of many ppl stand up..then i was saying the sec structure is the folding n coiling of the polypeptide chains etc..then she said then..and then i tok bout the tertiary n she then again..then i tok bout quaternary lar..rubbish lor..hahax..funny lar..then halfway through the this very very tall guy walked past the lab..then can see part of his head from the only top windows in the funny..then the teacher was laughing so hard until her whole face red n she had to go inside the room to wipe her eyes lar..hahax..the guy very tall lar!!my fren say he's like 195???which is like 30+ cm taller than me??2 rulers taller than me leh!!omg lor..wonder where m i if i stand beside him..maybe at his stomach there??hahax..=p Thursday, April 20, 2006 Y 10:42 PM haix..legs aching lar..cant walk properly.!! had trial run for 2.4 ytd!faint sianx lor..still had timing de..dun understand y mux have trial run..long time since i ran so much le lor..sort of miss cedar's jogging fun timing was abit worse than my usual lar..hahax..aft 4 th round really couldn't tk it ribs part there so pain lar..abit cant breathe properly..until nw still abit pain lar..haix..wondering if can get excuse for my blood condition...since i hv lesser rbc..then lesser cant run so much..hahax..=p then i walked abit here n there..guess it total up to be 1 min..which is quite alot..=p bt's jux a trial run..mux mk sure actual thing cant walk so much..then aft face was SO RED for the FIRST TIME in my life lar!!!really nv see my face so red before lor..seriously..normally my face dun get red easily de..even if i run also wun be very red then..dunno wad happened ytd..was like red apple lar!!hahax..wad an unusual sight!! think ny really care alot bout napfa..they want everyone to do well for napfa lar..those who din pass the trial tests for the stations hv to come to sch at 7 evday to practise lar!!thank god i passed..=p lessons and lectures as then getting abit not motivated le..maybe becux of the past holiday..maybe becux i'm too tired lor?or distractions??=p really really very tired lor..from aft orientation until now..i hv been like slping at 12+ almost evday lar..only can slp late on sat n sun lor..haix..wonder if i can go on until the end of nx yr lar!!hopefully i can!! really wan to do well for my A's!!=p and DISTRACTIONS....there hv been some distractions recently..hahax..dunno if i'm thinking too time will tell..n it mks me lk forward to going to sch..hahax..=p hopefully i can quickly becum motivated.. chem n bio tests are coming up nx wk!!tml also gt gp compre test..long time since i had tests le..scary thought of taking the tests lar..esp bio and chem!!think i'm going to fail chem i normally usually always fail regardless whether i gt study i'm hoping tt i can pass my bio!!crossing my fingers..=p 2 more holidays are coming up also..labour day on nx nx mon and vesak day on nx nx nx fri!! means we're going to miss bio prac n chem prac n the longest day of the wk..=p oh yar!!this sun going to hv a dragonboat funrace at kallang there..there goes my only chance to slp late le..haix..hv to wake up so early lar..going to meet at kallang mrt at like 7 lar!!scared i get lost lar..hahax..AND..there''s supposed to be 10ppl in one boat..AND our boat ONLY hv ONE GUY!!die le's a FUN's my 1st time trying db as long as we enjoy it can le..=p Saturday, April 15, 2006 Y 3:46 PM finally..had our small class outing & class bbq ytd...quite alright lar..though we din really do much..hahax.. the whole bunch of us gals met at kovan at 11..went to shop shop see see lor..heartland mall is really pathetic lor!!sianded..oh yar..then we walked past this shop where there was this lady shouting real loud...quarrelling with her mum on the ph lar..she scold until very mean lor...n she was crying also lar..scary lor.. then aft tt went to hv lunch at kfc..n wenhui,zay,jb joined there was 11 gals n 1 guy only..hahax..pathetic lor..THEN..we went to tk neo!!12 ppl!!highest record..!!'s basically all heads only..hahax.. =p ![]() hahax..=p was suppose to get the food frm my maid at the junction de..then end up she was waiting at the wrg place lar..n i had to walk out all the way lar..n the rain gt heavier as we walked out lar..pity jb lar..had to pei me walk out n walk in the rain for like 10mins+..thanks ah!n u gt ur reward le is u ate my pizza n jelly..=p oh pizza was horrible..had a hard time 'baking'??the pizza lar..cux the skin wasnt cooked enough..had to like turn the pizza over to bake lar..then end ![]() then we spent so much time bbq-ing the food..din hv much time to play lor..we played abit of the hand game..memory game n they also played a physco game lar..the game is bout the same as 'zhong ji mi ma'..then whoever gt tt specific num will get a is they will get hit on the palm..foot..butt..etc lor..n the ruler broke twice..n a part of the wooden spoon??used to cook de..also broke game really very physco lor..zay gt hit until she was tearing lar..n her hand swelled lar..??n jb gt thrown into the pool as forfeit lor..hahax.. ok..then it was quite late le..had to clear up abit then went home house was like so near yet so far lar..i could literally climb over the walls n then is my condo le then in btw gt drain..if nt i would hv climbed over..=p very sianx lor..mux walk so far out..the walk out was quite scary lar..luckily gt ks to walk out with us..the road was so long n so dark..then my leg so pain frm pe..was numb lor..haix.. looking forward to the nx class outing!!=p oh yar..din tok bout thurs de bio tutorial on...was so scared b4 tt lar..everyone was like crazily reading the notes..cux the teacher asked us to study it..then end up tutorial she din asked much bout it..n the whole tutorial we only like go through 4 multiple choice question lar..n at the end of the lesson..almost the whole class was standing up lar..cux we couldn't give the correct ans to her questions..actually i dun really mind standing up as long as i'm nt the only one..hahax..n i prefer her mk us stand up then her previously cont asking for the CORRECT ans..ok lar..she's nt tt bad..jux tt she's scary n it mks me real stressed lar..n all the things i studied was like almost all gone during tutorial..haix..then she was like saying though we are assigned to this class by the com..we sort of think alike de..then diff class will hv diff thinkings n then within the class its bout the same de..really think so leh..hahax..n its really very weird..guess it's jux all fate..jux as she bio..nth is yar.. & i'm starting to like the class more le..enjoying more jux hoping tt we wont hv our own cliques in the class lor..then it would be so much more fun!!looking forward to the nx1 1/2 yrs together...=p 0632 rockx!! Tuesday, April 11, 2006 Y 10:38 PM lots to say.. =p ytd was at hm..around 4..on my bed reading through enzymes notes..going to doze off le..then wanlin called me and asked whether i wan go out..was really went to j8..hahax..=p then went to mac eat..then walk around see see lor..then went to popular to get some stuff..n we saw this 2 rjc of them was wearing those vietnam kind of 'hat'..then wanlin saw n was shocked??laughing..n turned away lar..then was at the counter when we saw them again..n i REALISED tt gal was my pri sch classmate lar!!hahax..omg..din call her..cux felt it'll be weird n awkward lor..actually its quite coincidental lar..before tt was thinking where she went..then saw her in rjc yar.. then aft tt went hm lor..since it was like 6+ le..was deciding which bus stop to go..wanted to go the other bus stop so can pass by out old shop n tk a look later decided nt to..since it was very far i'll go there nx wk!!!really miss the shop n the ppl there lar!! sadx lor..!!time really flies's seems like ytd tt we closed the in actual's like 3mths ago le lor..haix..really very fun serving food n stuff lor..haix.haix.haix. so..went to the other bus stop instead..n guess coincidental again!!before tt wanlin was saying shd hv a og outing cux its been some time since we saw each other..then.........i saw waileong at the bus stop!hahax..with his bugs bunny fren(wanlin n me came to this conclusion becux of his offence ah..=p) then we also said tt waileong looks like duck..then bugs bunny fav sentence is like "what's up duck?" wonder...they so gd frens..hahax..=p back to pt..really very coincidental to see wl there lor..haix.really miss srjc..n sparta epsilon..=( btw..FINALLY..we going to hv a class outing this fri!!i want go sentosa leh!!bt think going kovan in the morning..maybe to bowl n pool..??n tk hw are we going to squeeze everybody in ah??hahax..then aft tt will be going to hv bbq at daniel's house..which is behind my house..hahax..hopefully this class outing would be fun and can bond the class together cux everyone like hv their own grps le nvm!!it sure will be fun de..really looking forward to it..!!=p Saturday, April 08, 2006 Y 11:54 PM yays!!finally finished my draft PI and all the hmwk tt mux be passed up on mon de..can finally rest awhile le..=p jc life is really really really very hectic lar..think for the whole week i've been doing all the tutorials and studying bio again lar!!n tt day i studied biomolecules to like 1+ again..then the nx day the teacher tested us on cell structure!!then last wk wheni studied cell sturcture..seh din test anything..rubbish lor!!hv to study biomolecules again lar! haix..stress stress...i've been watching only like 1hr tv per little lor..during sec sch..can like lie there watch from evening all the way to late night dun even feel comfortable watching tt 1hr tv..keep feeling stressd up..always hv a feeling tt i still hv alot of things to do even aft i finish my tutorials..haix..really very tiring lor..mux stay up until so late everyday..haix..for the past wk..sch's still boring..cux i still didn't accomplish wad i want to at least gt d.g(only wanlin will noe wad dg means) hahax..=p bt nvm!!tml i can slp till 12++..!!yays!!actually i can slp all the way till late afternoon de later sure get scolding from mother de lar..=p once a wk only lor..also mux treasure it and slp more to get back and replenish my energy..=p =p today had archery lessons early in the morning..there goes my slping time lor..cant slp till archery is nvm..we had a competiton btw the guys and the gals lor..and we even played tic-tac-toe with archery...hahax..the board gt 9 we hv to shoot a box tt we want..then play like tic-tac-toe lor..think i'm getting the hang of it already..cux i shot the yellow(center) zone for almost all my shots today...had bull's eye also!!hahax..yays..=p very fun!!looking to more shooting nx week..=p and more bull's eye..=p then came home..had lunch..n wanted to slp from 1 to 2.30 again..cant wake up lor..too tired le!!woke up at 4 instead..then started doing my PI..n i finally decided on "momentum"..wanted to do traditions at first de cant find any interesting traditions and very lazy go find info also..=pfinished it quite fast lor..=p 500 words seemed alot a then..when i finished the whole thing..i had like 200+ words extra..500 words isn't enough to properly elaborate on all the pts the teacher gave nvm!!so happy i finished my draft PI!! thinking of it..the project is nt even halfway lor..still hv the rest of the yr to complete the other parts of it lar..haix...dun understand wads the use of doing pw anyway..we're jux doing ONE pw..n how much will it benefit us??not alot'm scared my PI will be rejected lar..praying hard it'll not..very lazy to do everything again lar.. Monday, April 03, 2006 Y 10:09 PM yays!!today is a gd day..!!cux i meet up with kengx..manman..n beeting..the four of us unite again!!=p shall tok bout sch was our 1st bio prac lar!!very scary..n we were all like running to the labs for the prac lar..funny lor..wanlin n me were laughing last time about hw ny students actually rush for tutorials...n our class nt only rush bt instead RUN for pracs!!amazing right..we're so hardworking..??=p nt really..jux tt we're scared of our bio teacher..!!=( had to do food tests lor..then when jux start to do the experiments..i was shaking lar..cux it was really scary..n i'm very scared she'll pick on us becux of the toilet surprisingly..she didn't n she didn't tok bout it also..phew..n 2 hrs passed safely.... aft sch went to bugis to get sth..then aft tt went to kovan to meet them..n i reached there at like 4 when i was supposed to meet them at went mac study abit..=p think i getting more guai le..=p then kengx n man came around 5+ lor..then we walked around deciding wad to eat..n we settled with wad we wanted at the beginning..hahax..thai express...oh yar..before was saying her tt jap-like shuai fren was also there..then we saw them eating at sakae..ok lar..nt bad looking..then when we finally decided to eat at thai express..we saw them there again!! they jux ate some egg at sakae n then go thai express eat again..lame lor..then we ordered our food lor..kengx had pineapple n me had some noodle..mine spicy one as usual..=p first time eat so spicy de lar..the noddle really very spicy until my tears wan come out le lor..=( bt it was very nice!! then beeting joined us...n we sat there talking n talking lor.. then our main purpose of meeting was to take neo in our diff sch uni!!n we've waited so long le!!n nw finally we took our neo!!here's the pics.. ![]() our wishes??may all our wishes come true..=p ![]() four of us unite again!!=p ![]() us in our diff uni..thought cant really see.. BOO! are you scared..??are you not scared..??=p oh yar..n wrong date..its 03/04/06 ![]() manman hanhan & suisui bianbian.. frenz 4eva..!! Newer› ‹Older |
that ahpoh. 12th january ;) mickey XD tbb&tbwfttm..fiy. ongoing ESCAPADES ~auntie vicky~ ~lover~ ~xiaohan~ ~zay~ ~yappie~ ~wanlin~ looking back. March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 December 2006 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 April 2009 September 2009 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 March 2014 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket designer: /♥s}summerkisses} |