Friday, March 31, 2006 Y 10:25 PM its friday already in the blink of the eye n its the end of the fast lar..weekends are here..!!it means i can finally hv my long deserved break after one whole week of much tutorials n reading to do lar..slping only aft 12 everyday n wake up at 6+ lar..then hv to kp struggling to kp my eyes open n focus on the lessons lar..i'm quite happy for myself lor..feel tt this wk i hv been very hardworking..!!completing my tutorials n trying hard to read through the notes again n again to understand it!!esp bio!!did bio until like 1 tt day lar..finished all the tutorials n questions lar..except for those i dunno..then i was still scared n cont reading the notes until bout 1 proud of myself..!!though nw cant really rmb at least i hv a better understanding n hv a great sense of satisfaction!!=p n then during lectures n tutorials..i tried very very hard to pay full attention n try to understand everything lar..=p hopefully..for the nx2 yrs i'll continue like tt..perservere..put in 101% effort..!!it's really very tiring n scary if my efforts pay off at the end of the 2yrs..n i'm sure it will!!i will sure be very very very very happy n proud of myself de..=p it's barely 2yrs another 1 1/2 yrs..everything will be over..time will pass very fast de..n it will soon be over..n i'll be enjoying my fruits of success...!!like wad my pri sch chi teacher always used to say...'xian(1) ku(3) hou(4) tian(2)..'!!yes.! i'' be able to do it de!!=p today is my longest day of the whole week's like until 5.15 lor..n the last period is like 2hrs of chem prac lor..n we only hv like a 1hr break at 0845 lar..then the rest all half an hour we had to eat so early lar..if nt the half hour breaks sure no time to eat de..cux the canteen will always be packed..n ate at like 9+ ...n all the way nv eat le gt so many lessons lar..then was again struggling to kp my eyes open lar..!!struggle all the way until prac lor..then the teacher was toking bout the skills n i dozed off for awhile lor..=p cux i slept at 1+ ytd..n coffee really dun work for me de lor..!!how i wish it will work..then i can study later n wun feel too bad..i can slp right away after drinking coffee lar..hahax..=p weekends are finally here!!n it's our first week starting proper aft orientations..din really get to do wad i wanted to do..(secret..=p) at least gt sm improvements..hopefully it'll be better nx wk..n becux of these...i look forward to going to sch lor..hahax..=p cant really enjoy the weekends also so much tutorial as usual..n so much things to go catch up with lar..haix..n i'm going to learn archery for my enrichment programme frm 8-10 tml lar..n for the nx 3wks also..haix..then aft archery still going to hv maths mk up lecture on nvm..aft tml..i can slp until afternoon..=p Y 12:28 AM ah....very stressed................ hv been so so busy for the whole many many notes to much things tt i hv to catch up with...haix..hv been slping only aft 12's like so much more busy than sec sch lar..dun rmb having to slp so late almost evday even before prelims..haix..think this is going to go on for the nx 2yrs is if i decide to stay in jc aft this yr..very scared i cant mk it for promos lar..and every night i'm struggling to kp my eyes open n do everything..until like 12+..??then the nx day still hv to pay full attention during lessons??hw am i going to do this??its jux the beginning..i dunno if i can perservere all the way lar..wish me gd luck...this journey is really really going to be very scary...haix.. i'm starting to regret choosing to go to a jc..... din expect it to be so stressful de..really very scared already...everyone is like all studying very hard lar..pia-ing tutorials,etc lar..they've influenced me..n made me more stressed lar..haix..if i go to poly n tk hospitality n tourism..i wouldn't hv to tk maths..sci..n it would be so much better than jc lar..n there's also job fun lar..whereas jc is so boring...jc sci is really really very hard lar..still gt spa somemore..wonder hw i'm going to memorize all the structures of the biomolecules if i go to poly n i chose the wrong course..i would waste my own time lar..n aft poly..its harder to get into a uni..hv to be in the top percentiles to get in??doubt i'll be able to do jc its so stress..n i'm only in yr1 n its already like tt..hw izzit going to be like when i'm in yr 2..haix.haix.haix.there's nth else to do except studying very very hard..! i've decided tt i'll study very very hard n i'll do well for a's...!!i can mk it!! dunno wad to say bout today...i've nv been so unlucky before lar..!getting ms ___ as our bio teacher was very bad matters worst lar..having a fierce teacher mk me more stressed lar..then wad happened today mk me even more stressed lar..!!i sure die de we went to the staff toilet to change for first we din wan go de..then the auntie say its ok as long as we kp the toilet clean??then...a teacher came in!!!!then..of all teachers..y mux it be our bio teacher who came in!!!!!!!!!!then she stand there...nv say anything for very long..staring at us one by one..right into the eye!!then she started scolding lar..asked us y we were in the staff toilet..then we said the auntie asked us to use??then she said.."then i ask u to jump down frm the 3rd floor..then u jump lar..??" ..............then wad can we say lar..then she was saying we dun respect the teachers..the teachers cant even hv any privacy..still mux share toilets with students....then we stand there waiting again...she cont staring at us again lar...........for so long lar!!then she chased us out lar..saying if she see us in staff toilet again..we'll hv to go principal's office lar!! feel abit bad bout it then again..izzit really very very wrong to use staff toilet??dun think so lor..using staff toilet dun mean we dun respect teachers lor..n it also dun mean invading into their privacy??n izzit a very very bad or disgraceful thing to share the toilets with student..??she say it until like its the end of the world lar..n i think if other teachers come in..they wun really scold us or wad lar...haix.haix.haix.this is jux my luck! Monday, March 27, 2006 Y 11:26 PM first day having tutorial at ny!!bad day... was so scared unsure of everything..din noe wad to bring..wad notes to print..wad tutorial to do..very scary lar!!n i've gt bio prac today lar!!spoils my end up din do prac.n i've gt the teacher tt i dun wan!!!!the very very very super super super fierce teacher..!!! unlucky!!haix..i'm going to die lor.... today instead of prac..we had sm self intro..then she wanted us to say wad sch were we frm..grade for bio..where were we for 1st 3mths..N SOMETHING INTERESTING BOUT OURSELF!!!so...we took turns to say turn lar..din really noe wad to say for sth interesting bout me lar..then said hv 3 other siblings??i noe its then..nowadays..ppl seldom hv so many siblings already lar??the most is like 2 others??and some maybe 1 or none at all lar..isn't it??then she was like saying tt's nt very interesting??then give me tt very pissed off look...!then she said..last last yr..she had a student who's no 12th or wad lar..another one last yr dunno no wad's still uncommon lor!!!!!!then sm ppl also say sth nt so interesting wads my fav thing or wad lar..then she also nv really comment...watever lor....!then she went back to those who didn't say wads interesting bout them..n of course!!came back to me again!!then i jux said i like travelling..cux its fun?? superficial if i dun elaborate or wad..she will give me tt look again!!n aft i finish saying she gave me tt look again!!aft awhile then ask where i've been to..then i said..europe countries...then she said tt's a continent nt a country!!!argh!!!!!!!!!!!!then i din noe wad to say anymore..n she gave me tt look again!!!!!!!!!!then i said i've been to alot countries..n she said so have i...dots..then i STATED the countries i've been to lar..then i say n say lar..then gt msia also..then she said hv j.b...watever lor..wad rubbish??disgusting lar!!!i think she's jux biased against cedarians!!cux tt time lecture gt a grp of cedarians come late then she said are cedarians known for being late??pls so many other ppl come late also..then only say cedarians!!n i saw her rolling her eyes..when sm ppl was answering her questions...!!what's this?? unlucky to get her..!! Sunday, March 26, 2006 Y 12:11 AM haix..orientation so fast over le..sadx leh..though it wasn't fun..dun wan it to be over leh..cux it means tt we really really hv to start studying real hard again..cux according to our princiapl..a's is 10times harder than o' scary's really been a long time since i studied very very hard..still in the play mode lar.. ok nvm..dun think bout it first..tok bout orientation.. Day1 of O2(thurs): cant really rmb exactly wad we did..had ice breaker games..n a gal hurt herself on the forehead n was bleeding so much scary lor..we had our ice breaker games in the mpr..which was quite small for the grps to play games lar..y cant they jux let us go other place n play..then we would nt hv to squeeze n play until so xin ku..the games quite fun lar..then also learnt the ny dance..haix..dun really like dancing lar..quite hard to learn at after awhile it was ok lar..ny dance is so much easier than sr de lar..cux gt alot parts repeat de..whereas sr de gt alot steps n very complicated steps lar..then we had mass games which was all very boring n so nt fun games are so much more fun lar!!!haix..really miss sr!!!=( bt nvm..i've gt to move on.. Day 2(fri): played nt very fun games again..kept playing with 0634 lar..then we became 'friends' instead of enemies..really friendly matches lar..then we wanted to jux do forfeit together without playing the game lar..hahax..n end up we danced for the forfeit..the dance quite fun lar..n we learnt another dance..there's some waltz in it de lar..sianx lor..then i had to go dance with other guys of other class de cux out class too few guys le..yar then..the guys were supposed to put their hands on the gal's waist ma..then the guy tt i partner with din dare to put..until sm ogl come ask y he nv put..think he scared i mind lar..cux aft tt he ask if i mind whether he put at my waist lar..then the i put my hands on his shoulders n can feel him shaking abit lar..hahax..funny lar.. then there was a series of games together de..then we mux go accordingly lar..if we din complete one of the games..we hv to go back to the 1st game n restart again..its like some tv show game lar..sounds very fun we were like taking our time lor..nt exciting at all..sianx.. then we had a cheer leading competition..quite bad lor..during our training leader said nekkar sure win end up??we lost in both of the categories lar..sadx lor..then we had our pizza night..quite pathetic also..think there wasnt enough pizzas for everyone lar..n we were like siting on the running tracks eating pizza??pathetic....n the pizzas weren't very nice..haix.. then the 'climax' of the day was the disco night..!!ok the band was bad..cant really hear wad they were singing..they were practically shouting into the mike lar..n saw one of the singers still hv to refer to the lyrics..haix..luckily there were some nice songs..then everyone was like jumping n jumping tiring.. aft tt we went out for supper at tpy lor..was struggling to kp my eyes open lar...haix..think our class still nt very bonded yet..hopefully will quickly bond together as one.. yar so..orientation hv officially ended..n its really time to start things proper again..sadx.. Wednesday, March 22, 2006 Y 7:31 PM ok..2nd day of orientation n the last day of level camp..!tml is orientation!!yays.! din do much today..jux tt we spent alot time on the same activity.. we did 'trust fall' n 'spider web' game.. firstly..the trust fall..quite scary lor..we were supposed to form a long 'craddle' by standing face to face to ur partner..n stretch out our hands for support..then the 'faller' supposed to stand on the high chair..n fall backwards into the yar..quite fun bt scary also..cux we might jux fall right through if there wasn't enough support or wad..then everyone took turns to try out then in the end nt everyone tried..cux there wasn't enough time..n i didn't try it also..due to lack of time n fear of hurting my back again.. 2nd..we did the spider web thing lor..spent like so much time on tt game..frm like 12+ to 4!!hahax..the spider web is like parallel to the floor..n supported by the tables at the sides..then we can only stand at one side of the web..then..our goals were placed at the end of the we were supposed to get everyone over the web without touching the strings or the tt everyone will 'get to their goals'!!hahax..really very hard lor..the web is like so high up..n at the beginning we really could nt do much..cux we only like hv 6 or 7 guys in our class..then din noe wad to do..n we kept touching the when we touched the strings we had to start all over again n go out of the hall b4 coming in again..we kept doing it over n over again bt the most ppl we gt in the web was like 3 or 4?until the ogls were allowed to join us..things were so much better lar!!finally we managed to get ppl over!! it was really tough on 1 of the ogl lar..cant rmb the name..oops..will find out tml..=p cux he had to really carry the ppl one by one over the web lar..then the worst thing is tt we kept touching the we had to repeat again..n he again had to carry them over one by one xin ku lar..the game really very exciting lar..had to look out n see whether the clothes of those ppl in the web will touch the strings anot lar..then they were like pulling onto each others shirt n pants lar..n we accidentally saw alot things..oops..hahax..end up we still din get everyone like 7 or 8??bt still nt bad le lar..yays!and in the end..those who havn gt over were allowed to use any ways to reach our almost everyone was crawling lor..n in the end we all reached our goals!!ultimately..its the process tt matters..!=p so..this game is supposed to represent our 2 yrs journey in nyjc.. then aft tt we spent some time celebrating!!ran around..cheered..played around!!!bt tiring lar..n somemore appendix pain sianx lar..ytd stomach pain today appendix..hopefully tml gt nth!!hahax..then can fully enjoy orientation..yays..then we had to write wad we learnt in the 2days camp on the card..n hv to use the cards to form a castle..end up..the grps joined up n used the cards to form NYJC..nyjc is our castle!!hahax..yays..nyjc rox..!! then it was time to thank our ogls..we had to 'craddle' them throughout the song lar..nw hand so pain nvm..we all had fun..!! oh yar!!n during lunch break..we played murderer!!hahax..very funny lor..there were 3 murderers n 2 detectives..then wad happens when 2 murderers blink at each other??die right??hahax..n i was 1 of the murderer lar..n i blinked at the other murderer..then tt murderer blinked at me also lar!!! the murderer gt killed instead..!!hahax..n there was 1 murderer the detective couldn't figure out who was the murderer aft so long lar..n it happened tt the murderer's eyes so small..hahax..blink also like cant see??hahax..n nobody suspected her lor..hahax..very funny lar..=p Tuesday, March 21, 2006 Y 10:31 PM ok..!ytd was my first day wearing full nanyang uniform lar!!quite exciting lar to wear a near sch then the colour of the uniform still very disgusting..and still fell weird wearing a new sch uni..still prefer cedar's one..though i always complaint bout wearing the nw ny's de is so rough n hot also lar..thinking of it cedar's uni is really very very nice lar!haix..will miss wearing cedar uni de.. nth much for the 1st day of sch aft holidays..whole day stayed in hall for some pjw talk n gc talk lor..doze off awhile only lar!=p ok!!the long awaited orientation is here!!we are having our level camp first lor..thurs then is the camp is still considered part of orientation yar..have to say tt its quite boring lar..nt becux the speaker was lousy or wad..the content of the camp was meaningful n motivational!!bt its jux tt we still dun really know the ppl in our cg yet..cant play happily..=p abit restricted lor..dunno hw to say lar..jux tt cant really enjoy still had abit of fun n laughter..n the debriefing part aft each 'game' was quite boring also..cux we had to ans the same questions lar..asking bout our experinece in the game..wad did u learnt bout yourself..etc..n we were slowly being pushed towards the 'uncomfortable zone'..which was really quite uncomfortable lar..hahax..=p bt its supposed to be a 'learning journey'..where the 'uncomfortable zone' would eventually become our 'comfortable zone'!!yays..hahax..=p sound so chim huh..hopefully aft tml..i'll be able to learn sth..n my 'uncomfortable zone' will becum my very 'comfortable zone'..hahax..=p oh yar..going to hv a hard time remembering so many names nvm..mux PERSEVERE!!mux strive hard to reach our goals..=p i'll mk it de...!!!hahax..n tml there's going to be movie night..hopefully its fun lor...n really looking forward to orientation..=p Saturday, March 18, 2006 Y 6:12 PM 2 posts today!! went sentosa today..early in the morning lar..supposed to be og outing de..then end up only hv like 6ppl in total!!'s very very pathetic nvm..still had fun..=p reached there around 10+..then went to palawan beach..n we started playing beach volleyball..quite bad lar..cux we dun really noe hw to play..except for waileong n yuenloong..keep missing the ball..n spent so much time picking up balls..hahax..then played frisbee..n played with water..AND we buried waileong!! fun.. ![]() oo..see anything..?is he a gal or guy both de..hahax..=p ![]() isn't tt thing abit out of place..??hahax..oops..still gt 6pacs leh!! ![]() see hw big tt thing is..?hahax.. ![]() our grp photo..=p aft tt went to siloso beach..and canice joined us..n she brought in food for us..then aft eating..played volleyball again..the sand really very hot lar..tried to 'create chances' for xingyi n making the ball go towards the direction where there were guys..then they can go pick up the balls n be closer to the guys..hahax..=p n we're all sunburnt le..!! nvm..i gt darker..=p really had loads of fun lar..! then we left soon cux xy,jy n canice all gt sth no point staying fast go home de..we'll go there again de!!soon..=p then took mrt home..n we tried to tk photo photo of our reflection on the window??hahax.. ![]() cant really see nvm..its nice..still gt bamboo border leh..=p ![]() xingyi n me..tired le..=p oh yar!!n aft soaking my feet awhile in the sea water..the insect bite markings are like almost cant see le strange least my legs wont look horrible with all those bites anymore.. go sentosa then missed out going kbox with kengx n man n kengx's god bro!!hahax..mux hv been very fun lar..!!kengx sang duet with his godbro!!n his fren lar..hahax..wonder hw was it like then lar..sure very funny de..kengx..ur face mux hv been very red n hot right..hahax..haix..hw could i missed nvm..sure gt chance nx time de..=p Y 5:59 PM went out with man,kengx n bt ytd..went shopping and walk around slacking's been one mth n 3 days since we last met..which was on vday..hahax..haix..nw can only like see each other once a mth lar..nt like last time..see them almost evday..every min..haix.. went far east to hv ljs..yay..!(though i ate lunch already..) nvm lar..seldom eat so much de..=p then shop around was really empty lar..fri some more..still so little ppl..funny leh..then aft tt went down to bugis..n shopped at bugis street..kengx n i both bought a bag..hahax..its really very luan there lar..will get lost de..sianx lor..aft tt went back to seiyu..cux manman decided to go shop for shoes..then while she try the shoes..we can sit there n enjoy the aircon..hahax..=p beeting joined us soon aft tt..then we decide to go up to sit at some bench to tok end up gt ppl there..then we were standing there stoning lar..then we quickly went to hv dinner at yoshinoya..cux beeting hv to be home by 9 or else..she will be locked outside..oops..hahax.. then aft tt went home lor..luckily my mum,uncle n auntie they all were shopping there gt free ride home..hahax..=p Thursday, March 16, 2006 Y 10:26 PM finally back from ipoh!!time really pass very quickly lar..holidays are ending soon nvm..orientation is coming..=p's my stay in ipoh.. Day1: left house around 8..n waited for the stupid bus for like 20mins lar!!then we took mrt to farrer park..n went to gather at some place lor..the bus left at bout 10am..and we reach ipoh at bout 8 hrs journey!!but luckily the bus was comfortable..!!with nice spacious seats..then our relatives were there to pick us up..quite awkward thought..cux we din really see all of them before..only maybe a few who attended my uncle's wedding 2yrs i still dun hv any impression of seeing them b4..hahax..=p ok..was mentally prepared before reaching their house..cux it was supposed to be like kampongs or some sort of rundown houses afterall it was ok though it was really really old..the house is like made of STRONG wooden planks n cement its nt like its going to collapse it was really really hot lar..n there's no air-con..!then there were so many unfamiliar faces that i've nv seen before.. ok here's a photo of some of my 'yi mas'..n can sort of see hw old the house is.. ![]() dinner was quite pathetic lar..there was fish..some tofu..veggie..some pork..n 2 whole big bowl of soup full of 3 diff types of fishballs lar..really alot alot of fishballs..then i only ate the veggie n fishballs's about it for day 1..then went to hv ipoh horfun for's soup de lar..n it's nt a smelly smelly it smelled like some dirty drain lar..hahax..n tt stall was supposed to be famous for the ipoh horfun lar..n still gt so many ppl there the horfun really very overall its yucky..hahax..=p then they played mahjong to like 3+ in the morning lar.. Day2: early in the morning went to their market to look around lor..bout the same as spore more dirty..hahax..=p then went to hv breakfast..aft tt went to 2 other relative house lor..sianx lor..sit there until wan to fall aslp..somemore so hot lar..n i realised tt there was about 10+ insect bites at the back of my arm lar!!wth...itchy.... then went home around evening..changed to go out for dinner at some restaurant..luckily no more fishballs..before we left..there was a blackout lar..the whole street all blackout dark lor..dinner was ok lar..then one of the yi ma is like 50+ bt was so hot lar..keep asking everyone to drink up..saying so loudly..'yam seng....!' funny lar..n her drinking skills are gd lar..drink so much still nt drunk..hahax..really funny lar..n they played mahjong until 3+ again lar...a bunch of gamblers..hahax.. Day3: early in the morning wake up to realise tt my left leg gt like 30+ insect bites lar!!seriously..nt joking...dun think its mosquito bites..cux mosquito bites cant be so many de lor..n they all around the same part de lar..dunno wad disgusting insect bite me yucky..!n ITCHY..!then my right leg also gt the same type of bites at the same places..20+ total num of bites i hv on my whole body is like 30+ plus 20+ n plus tt mks it like 7o INSECT BITES lar...??!!REALLY!!can u imagine scratching all the bites....haix..*faints*.. went to hv dim sum in the morning..ok lar..quite nice..bout the same as spore also..and so much cheaper..then aft tt went to 'bai(4) bai(4)'..then went to some cave lor..which were naturally formed..very nice lor..n i saw my exact chi name carved on some part of the cave coincidental.. here's our grp photo taken outside the cave.. ![]() then aft tt went to a shopping centre Jusco to shop awhile..nth much the same few shops as spore..aft tt we went to eat ice balls lar..cant find it in spore's like ice kachang..jux tt the ice is mk into a ball shape de..then gt the syrup on top of the to eat!bt rmb to wash ur hands before n aft eating..hahax..=p then we went home to change n set off for some river place to play with the water..hahax..=p very cooling lor..n fun too!! here are some photos.. ![]() my cousins helping uncle to bathe n wash hair..hahax.. ![]() spot a naked body..?? then aft tt went hm changed again n went out for dinner at some restaurant again..dinner was average again lor..then went hm n they again played mahjong until 3+..last night slping there sadx..dunno when we'll go back there again..haix.. Day4: time to go home sadx..went to hv breakfast then set off to tk the bus le..seperation is really sad lor..bus set off at 9 and i slept frm 9 to like 2+ lar..hahax.. haix..cant wait for them to go spore then can bring them fun lar..n cant go to visit them the nx time definitely mux be well prepared the nx time..mux bring lots of insect repellant..!!wear long sleeve n long pants..hahax.. THE END Saturday, March 11, 2006 Y 10:42 PM argh..stupid blocknose..n sore throat...a few days le..n today gt a stupid ulcer pop up at the back of my mouth lar!!argh...cant eat properly..cant drink properly..n worst of all.. cant breathe properly lar..!!so xin ku..mux breathe with my mouth also so ma fan..bite halfway mux open mouth to breathe..if nt sure suffocate worst blocknose lar..n sound so weird also..haix..=( og came to my house to play pool..6 of us in total + 1 ogl...out of 14??nt bad lar..hahax..played 2 hrs..then aft tt the security guard came up to check pissed off by him!!his attitude is bad lar!!wth..the first thing he came in he was like saying..dont u noe hw many ppl are supposed to be in the pool room..only 5...n there was like only 2 other wads the big deal??nt like the room too small or wad??wads the prob with having alot ppl in the room??before tt there was another guard on duty lar..then he shd hv saw tt there was too many ppl in the room on the tv then..he didn't come up to tell us or scold us lor?? means he wasn't doing his job..!then aft tt he was camera..the management will see...then hw is he going to ans to the management will be so free to go through all the videos n go count hw many ppl are there in the room lar!!i really see no wrong in having so many ppl in the room!then he was checking the things..n then he slam the thing on the pool table lar!!!wad kind of attitude is this?!?!stupid...then he found out tt the tip of one of the stick or pole watever u call tt..came it wasn't us came off long ago le..then again..he showed the pissed look lar!!since the tip came off n it wasnt us..again..meant tt they wasnt doing their job!!!stupid lar!!really feel like complaining!!this is the 1st time a security guard mk me so pissed off in my 10yrs stay here lar!!!nvm..shall nt let him spoil my day!! then aft tt..played awhile of tennis..n again..3 or 4 balls went opposite lar..haix..AND I GT HIT BY YUENLOONG 3 TIMES!!!!SO PAIN!!first time i was standing at the gate there lar..then he hit me on the back..stupid waileong also..he could hv stopped the ball he didn't!!grr..then the 2nd time was playing with him..then the ball hit right onto the side of my stomach lar!!!so hard lar!!he even can hear the 'sound' when the ball hit me lar!!so pain!!still hurts nw lar..then the 3rd time!!i was walking away..then he hit..n hit my butt lar!!pain..sick le still get hit so many times..haix.... then aft tt went ps..cux puayhoon n canice n waileong wanted to eat..ate at ljs then walked around..then had dinner at delifrance...nt very nice lor..the food nt hot de..then canice ordered some chicken..n it was so pathetically SMALL..really palm size only??n there's only sm pieces of potato n pea n carots..n it cost 10bucks lar..!*faints* then we also had a banana split..swensens one nicer!!gt the nuts..n the other delifrance only had abit of nuts n jux ice cream..banana..n cream..n its still nice..hahax.. then aft tt we were toking bout scary stories n disgusting stuff..hahax..freaked out abit then decided tt we shd faster go hm..hahax.. Friday, March 10, 2006 Y 11:41 PM finally fri is here..!the boring week hv finally ended... lecture today on fairy tales..quite interesting lor..mux be thinking hw are fairy tales related to gp right..the teacher used fairy tales to sort of link it to sexism..discrimination against women..cux in fairy tales..women are mostly portrayed as are portrayed as the real world..izzit always true tt women are incapable??phy weak..?n men are always mascular??courageous?? of course not!!so yar..the teacher is trying to mk a point tt most of the time women are being 'looked down' on n discriminated..being deemed as incapable..nt being able to do things tt's definitely a biased real one gender is more 'superior' than the yar..interesting way to link sexism to fairy tales..hopefully the nx gp lectures will be interesting.. gt the skirt long lar!! nvm..going to alter it..=p tt means i'm nt going to wear cedar uniform anymore sadx lar..the new uniform really very uncomfortable nvm..wear 2 yrs only..then aft tt dun hv to wear any ugly uniforms anymore le..yays..=p oh yes..n gt the gc ex so sort of forget hw to use the many many functions le..nvm..there's going to be a gc workshop when sch yar.. holidays are here..going to ipoh on mon..coming back on thurs..ipoh is where my grandmother was born lar..her 'niang jia' go back visit i've nv been there or see any of the relatives lar..nt really close relatives guess it would be quite fun..cux there's really alot of my grandmother's relatives forward to it..n the orientations..=p Thursday, March 09, 2006 Y 5:44 PM its thurs already!!yayz..!weekends are coming..holidays are coming....!=p ytd there was a cca bazaar..signed up for 4 sm jux for fun case cant get any cca..hahax..nw having a headache over wad to choose..sianx.. i signed up for.. 1)badminton! 2)pugilistic(lion dance,wushu n stuff lar..) 3)photography 4)AVA (hahax..) went for some sort of try out for badminton..dunno wad to wasn't very bad nor was it gd at all lar..haix..n din really see very very pro ppl still dun think will get in still hope i can get in lar..=p bt there's going to be another try out lor..n its going to be nx tues..n i cant mk it if they ask me go on another day..i'll probably be the only one trying out lar..scary..haix..y so ma fan de..=( really hope i can get into badminton leh..though the chances are very nvm..if i really cant get badminton then i moz prob will join pugilisitc..hahax..sounds so..erm..funny??cant imagine myself in tt cca lar..n wearing the ugly lion dance this cca we'll do chi drumming,lion dance n abit of wushu..really interested in hitting the chi fun!bt scared later hit wrongly or out of beat..hahax..wad i'm scared of is the wushu part..the senior say its abit only wad if later we learn wushu every training..i'll die de..cant imagine myself doing wushu also...hahax..n there's also phy trainning leh..haix..sianx lor..hopefully its nt very tough..think its really quite interesting and fun leh..!if i really join..its going to be a totally brand new experience for me..=p see how again lor.. for the remainning 2 ccas..erm..ava was totally put for fun de..hahax..dun think will join lar..might join photography..its also quite interesting lar..taking nice and artistic pictures..n i like to take nice nice pics yar..haven really decide which to join leh..should i choose a slack cca??or a tough i can lose weight n kp fit??hahax...oh yar..also wanted to sign up for channel news nanyang de..sounds quite fun also..where u'll get to be like a reporter or camera then the seniors at the booth weren't very nice??din intro or wad..jux sit there..unlike the other seniors of the other decided nt to join..guess i'll cont thinking bout wad to join ba.. today had econs n chem lecture..n i also sat in for chi lecture..n for econs n chi lecture..i dozed off..hahax..surprisingly for chem i didn't..cux we kept drawing the dot n cross diagrams..where there were so many dots n crosses(which dun look like crosses)..had a hard time fuguring out which are the dots n which are the crosses..then had to painstakingly draw out messy lor..think i'm seeing stars nw..*faints* y cant they jux print out for us it easier when we study..sure wont be able to see clearly wad i drew lor..haix.. n for chi lecture..the teacher was teaching bout compo writing..n then for bout each sentence he'll sure use a eng word to explain sth de..hahax..most chi teachers aren't very pro at their think this teacher quite pro in eng also lar..n his slang in chi very nice..very pro lor..=p econs lecture quite boring also..toking bout space travel n stuff..i can even fall aslp while writing lar..hahax.. oh yar..!today we bought our uniforms le!!sianx..nw i really know hw gd n nice cedar uniform is lar..ny's uniform really suck..its brown in shit liddat lar..n look like some cleaner lor..n its the same colour as my sis uniform!argh..i dun wan to be wearing the same uniform as my sis!!i dun wan ny uniform..n worst of all..the shirt is rough n hard n big n ugly n uncomfortable!!cedar uniform is so much much much much much more nice n soft n comfortable lar....n the skirt is ugly long..........!!!haix..really going to miss wearing cedar me miss cedar again...sobx..=( Tuesday, March 07, 2006 Y 10:59 PM haix..sianx again.. nth much today..all lectures again..??except there was a talk about some camp during our orientation boring lor..was siting so infront lar..then was struggling to keep my eyes open boring lor..then today the 2 weird ppl sat beside me lar..!!one on my right another on my left!!tt makes it even more boring..cant tok..cant move..practically stoning there lor..hopefully wun sit beside them tml.. then gp lecture was also in quickly escape frm the boring place to find wanlin n sit right at the much more comfortable lar..!!bt there was some distraction lar..cux someone happened to sit behind us..hahax..=p gp lecture was quite ok lar..the lecturer better than sr de??nt as fierce n sacarstic lor..n they were toking bout urban legends lar..n on fri they going to teach bout fairy tales??hahax..dun understand y they teaching all these things lar..abit unrelated lor??bt at least its quite interesting..unlike sr..all bout arguments..counter arguments..n arguments!!*faints* then for the rest of the leactures..all so boring..doze of during for awhile only lar..then bio..the teacher so yucky de..first lecture then she started scolding ppl le..then this bunch of cedarians came in late n she was like saying are cedarians known for being late or wad lar..disgusting lor! another day gone again..n for tml..i only have maths lecture lar..sianx..then there's going to be cca bazaar tml..still duno wad to join leh..wan to join think sure cant get in again..haix..then melissa was asking me to join archery..going to decide btw badminton,squash,archery..??see how again tml ba..=p Monday, March 06, 2006 Y 5:28 PM haix..sianx..=( my long awaited 1st day in nyjc has ended! it was so boring..all lectures..orientation only starts the wk aft our 1 wk holiday..hopefully its fun??yes..!it'll be fun!!=p nw..everyday i can wake up at 6.45??n stroll to sch at 7...hahax..=p today..sat in hall to listen to the principal's talk n some other boring things lar..n with the aircon..the hall still so hot lar..miss cedar's aircon..n srjc's fans r much cooler lar.. n the ogls weren't very nice??din really intro or wad lor..and i din get to noe any of my og ppl..cant even recognise them..maybe only 1 or 2 lar..n from wad i saw..there's no shuai one..haix..sianx lor..frm wad my fren told me..i noe there's 2 weird ppl in my og..haix..btw..!some shuai guy who was frm sr is also in ny!!at first wanlin was saying tt he gt like 18 n going din expect to see him there..then this morning was sitting in the hall when he suddenly walked passed me lar..!hahax..told puayhoon n canice who are in mjc..n puayhoon was like 'wapaing eh'...hahax..n me n wanlin r trying to get use to ny's uniform..cux it's brown n looks like canice's eye candy guy's uniform..n when we see tall ny guys..we'll think tt its tt eye candy..hahax..wonder which sch is he in.. n during break the canteen was filled with so many ppl lar..!like in hard to find seats...think all the canteens too small already lor..shd mk it bigger..n the food nt very nice also..sianx.. had maths n econs lecture today..boring also..maths lecture was like at 2.45 lar..then we had nth to do frm 11.45 onwards we walked around the sch..its much bigger n nicer than sr really miss sr..haix..then we went to the i-space which was the study area??nobody inside so went in with wanlin to enjoy the aircon..oh yar..n on the photocopy machine there's a screen saying hello..hahax..then these 4 guys came in n sat down lar..then they were like talking n laughing so gently?? unlike other guys who always tok n laugh so 'violently'??hahax.. then we left sch at bout go my n his fren joined us..then we played halo..n slacked around killed his fren like 4-25 n me 5-15??argh..i'll kill u nx time..=p n for the mk up maths lecture..the teacher was rushing like mad lar..cant really catch anything at all..makes no diff whether we go for the lecture anot my first day in ny ended on a boring note.. hopefully..tml will be a better day!!=p Saturday, March 04, 2006 Y 12:05 AM ![]() 1 of the neo we took.. ah...i gt into ny!!yay..cant believe it when i saw it lar..sci stream somemore lar..can wake up at 7 n slowly walk there lar..its jux directly opp my house lar!!=p bt thinking of the's brown lar..sianx..nt nice lor..compared to cedar's..!i'll miss cedar's uniform lar..sobx..going to miss sr n all my og frens lar..though 3 of my og frens also going ny..still sadx lor..cant play e jump jump thing i'm still happy i gt into ny!!yays.. today pon sch again..aft checking postings..supposedly shd be go for og outing then ended up like only 4 of us..n only 3 frm sparta epsilon de pathetic we still went bowling lar..played 2 games..pathetic scores again highest was 70/300 lar..sadx leh..mux get pass 100 nx time...=p at the beginning of the 2nd game..i was last lar..then tianchin score was very close to he kp trying very hard to nt let me win him was a close fight lar..!hahax..guess who the end..i won him by 1 pt lar..hahax..yay..=p tianchin..u owe me a testi nw..=p then aft tt went arcade play some 4player shooting game..i was the 1st to die lar..sadx..hahax..=p then went play pool..i really very lousy at it lar..i teamed up with tianchin..n canice with xingyi..n we played 2games lar..n we won both games!!=p though tianchin was the one tt mk most of the balls went in..=p bt at least i did mk one or two balls went in..??'s nvm.. then aft tt we were supposed to meet up with the rest of our og ppl to hv then end up only jiayu n waileong joined us lar..think our og really splitting up le lar..sadx..ate at kfc..n we did the chem reaction trick on!aft tt went to took neoprint..=p aft tt went to meridien with tianchin to appeal..then the security guard thought i'm tianchin's sis lar..he was like asking tianchin..are u appealing or helping ur sis we look alike.??no lor..=p yar..then aft tt tk mrt frm pasir ris to city hall..first time tking mrt from there lar..n pass by all the ulu ulu places.. then went taka..cux tianchin wanted to buy our 'ogl soft toy'..though its abit gay for guys to put tt on their bag lar..n our og de guys all refuse to put on their bag except for brave tianchin still bought it..hahax..then aft tt went mac to slack..n i really mux commend tianchin for his great ability..??to drink lots of drinking lots of water..n he finished his large milo before i finish my small lemon tea lar..!*shake head* then was looking at all his neoprints..first time see guys tk so many neos lar..still gt stefanie sun's photo lar..really abit gay leh..oh yar..n he likes dog soft toys! makes it very gay??no offence..=p he's nice n funny lar..! ![]() our og soft cute..=p argh..cant upload the neos..go see it at under srjc..=p Thursday, March 02, 2006 Y 11:48 PM ![]() this entry is specially specially dedicated to manman,keng,beeting..=p(by man's special request!!) really miss u all alot sadx lar..cant get to see u all everyday like last time..cant poke manman..cant poke u all..hahax..cant hear manman's lame jokes..n come up with top 100 names for our children during chi lessons..??(to man:sry for making u learn so few chi words..=p) fun nw jc tutorial cant le..n no lame ppl also..hahax..miss going assembly together..finding out place to stand..(between the 2 bushes..) n really miss going recess together n eat wanton noodles almost everyday..n fishball noodle on fridays..! very scared we'll lose contact leh..hw..hw..mux promise we will continue to keep in contact hor!change num mux tell me..change add mux tell me also hor!!=p like tt then can go u all de engagement..ur weddings n ur children bday parties.....=p n i wan be godmother also..hahax.. though we all going diff jcs man said de..we'll definetely cross each others paths again de..=p Y 10:15 PM another day so many ppl ponned sch lar..sianx..ponned maths n chem tutorial..=p n did abit of jumping again's getting abit bored lar..cux we have been playing for so long the past few days..hahax..going to miss the game aft we leave sr..n ytd our ogl yuen loong was thinking of names for the game..n the nicest is..sally sally long jump pass..??hahax..used my fake name it's nice..=p today's chem lecture only half an hour lar..cux the teachers all finish teaching le..n the teachers like dun really care anymore cux we're leaving soon le..n gt back our chem moles quiz lar..haix..sadx lor..failed again..n by 1 pathetic mark again!!in sec sch also always fail by 1 mark de lar..y izzit always like tt..haix..sadx lar..nvm..dun hv much feelings bout it..=p aft chem lecture..decided to go compass point..we bought the soya bean ice cream..!!quite nice lar..though canice din really like it..then we were strolling around nt knowing wad to do...then went food court where puay hoon n tian chin ate..n we were crapping there..this is one of our last times together mux treasure it!!hahax..=p then aft tt walked around awhile n went back..oh yar..n puay hoon recommended the watermelon soya milk n so i bought it to try..!hahax..sounds disgusting taste quite nice except there's lots of watermelon seeds inside ..=p postings are going to be out tml..!argh..very scared cant get into ny lar..haix..keeping my fingers cross...tml last day of sch in sr le..going to miss sr and all the times spent there with my og n i'm glad all these sweet memories will be will be 4eva..ponning tml!!=p going bowling with og and spend some last precious moments together..dun even noe when we're going to meet sure will de!!oh yar..going to hv a games day at sentosa on 15march with the other epsilon of other's going be fun i guess..looking forward to it..=p tml will be a happy day!! Wednesday, March 01, 2006 Y 10:47 PM 3rd last day in srjc le...time really flies lar..been in sr for 2 mths le..we've gotten back o's results..n posting results are going to be out on fri..n we'll all go seperate sadx lar..cant bear to leave hopefully we can all get into ny together..=p really no mood to go to sch becux i really really cant bear to leave my og n sr..i've decided to cont going sch..jux so tt i can spend more time having fun with them... ![]() my og!! ![]() girls power! these 2 days keep staying back after sch to play the jump jump thing..hahax..we haven create a nice name for the yar..the jump jump game..the game goes like's a very big square..which is mk up of 7x7 small squares..we start by jumping into a square..then we r supposed to tk turns n jump onto another square..then anyone standing on a square horizontally or vertically to the square the person land on will the game continues until there's a's a great form of exercise lar.. hahax..we get to jump here n there in fast speed lar..i've jump so much until my legs are aching like hell lar..abit cant walk le..let me count hw long i played for the past 2 days..on tues..we played for like frm 1.30 to bout 2.30..then frm 3.30 to 5 lar..then wed played another 2 hrs+ in total..i jumped for 5hrs..?hahax..those who jux started playing all got addicted to the game lar..including me!!=p really very fun n exciting... toking bout during pe..we played basketball n the stupid basketball hit right onto my eye lar..hurts lar..think going to become blueblack n i'll becum a panda!sadx.. oh yar..i think we shd quickly give the game a proper name..if nt sure hv alot jokes bout it..cux..jiayu msg tianching when we were going to play tt game.. so the msg went like this..: we're going to jump at bout 1+.. hahax..sounds like going to commit suicide by jumping off a building lar.. then today..aft jumping we went to hv 2 games of bowling at kovan..very fun the scores r very pathetic lar..hahax..let me think..wad was the lowest score..erm..less than 50 or abit more than 50 upon 300??'s very bad lar...nevertheless we still had fun..!think tml whole body going to ache le..aft all the jumping n bowling..haix..hw i wish time can jux stop here.. 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that ahpoh. 12th january ;) mickey XD tbb&tbwfttm..fiy. ongoing ESCAPADES ~auntie vicky~ ~lover~ ~xiaohan~ ~zay~ ~yappie~ ~wanlin~ looking back. March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 December 2006 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 April 2009 September 2009 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 March 2014 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket designer: /♥s}summerkisses} |